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The Sopranos 4/8.... spoilers?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Simon_Cowbell, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. Sly

    Sly Active Member

    As for the poster who said he was surprised that Tony would have a gun registered to himself, I don't believe he did. The kid who picked up the gun got caught with coke and then told the feds he got the gun from Tony when he dropped it during the raid.

    After Tony's story about the drowning and then shots of AJ throwing a pool party back home, did anyone else think that AJ's "stepson" was going to end up dead in the pool? That left me with a lot of dread the entire episode.

    But damn if this isn't a great show ... Like I've said before in seasons past ... Everytime the show fires back up, I feel like we're just catching up with people whose lives have been going on as normal. Definitely the most realistic characters that have ever been on television.
  2. Sly

    Sly Active Member

    I strongly agree with you on this one. It reminds me of last season when Tony talks about that topic then knocks off those guys who are stealing the wine with Christopher.

    Also unrealistic: Last night's fight scene, considering that Tony is still supposed to have a shotgun blast in his stomach.
  3. Stupid

    Stupid Member

    Jr. didn't have a shotgun and it's been a year since he was shot.
  4. Kato

    Kato Well-Known Member

    The story about the 3-year-old in the pool reminded me of Tony's mother, who was always talking about children dying -- I think there was a whole episode where Melfi broke that down for Tony. Janice was telling Carm that she's just like her father when she's really just like her mother. Tony's watching the kid being raised by a nanny -- and Janice be the cold, uncaring mother -- and seeing the vicious circle starting all over again. I don't necessarily think it's foreshadowing the death of a child on the show.
  5. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    At the beginning of the episode, after the knocking on the door woke up Tony and Carmela, she said, "Is this it?" My reaction was she didn't sound like herself. I thought, "Whose voice is that? Oh no, another dream sequence."

    Glad I was wrong.
  6. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Agree--seemed more like the ongoing tangle between Compassionate Emotional Sensitive Tony, and Ruthless Cold Murdering Tony.
  7. Sly

    Sly Active Member

    Forgot what kind of gun Jr. had .... Nevertheless, his stomach wound has been portrayed as pretty serious in the past. Tony even mentioned it in last night's show, saying his body was never going to fully recover from it.

    Tony's drowning story might not be a foreshadowing and I know he was doing it to mess with Janice. Still, that mention intertwined with the shots of AJ doing it in his parents bed before bringing people over to party was a masterful touch of inspiring some dread, at least in this viewer.
  8. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Carmela: "Somehow, with all these people around, this 3-year-old child managed to fall into the pool. Nobody even noticed 'til finally they found him floating face down in the water."

    Tony: "Brain dead."

    Carmela: "Poor kid's in one of those padded wheelchairs now."

    Tony: "I can't get that story out of my mind. I don't know why."


    (less than 3 minutes later)

    Janice: "Sandy (her therapist) said something interesting, that when we were babies everything was fine, but Ma couldn't stand that as her babies got older they separated from her. When they started to talk and express ideas, that's when the trouble started. It wasn't that she didn't love us."

    The connection between those two is what intrigues me.
  9. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Take it from someone in the business, always leave the gun and not just because you leave the gun and take the cannolis but because you don't want to be caught with the gun or have the gun turn up on someone who will roll over and say where they got it.

    Please Mr. Chase, please kill AJ and Janice. PLEASE
  10. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Karaoke at the lake house:

    Janice: "But you can't come back and be the first in line. Oh no! You're obsolete, my baby. My poor old-fashioned baby."

    Carmela: "Love hurts ... love scars ... love wounds ... and mars ..."

    (cut to Monopoly game)

    (You gotta love that the Sopranos play by their own rules)
  11. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    We play Monoploy that way. All the money paid to the bank goes in the middle and who lands on Free Parking, gets the money.

    And Mr. Chase, I've given up on seeing Meadow naked, but how about AJ's babe. Did AJ get her implants lately? How about AJ gets killed and Tony lets Blanco dance at The Bing.

    What are the odds that Tony, being the bi-polar sociopath that he really is(tough diagnosis Dr. Melfi ::) ) bangs Blanco?
  12. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    The point remains, the Sopranos play by their own rules, rules Bobby didn't know but had to adopt. Nice touch, I thought.
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