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The stupidest thing your state high school association allows to happen

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by printdust, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    When I was working in the Sac-Joaquin Section, they did that in the title round. Every round? You're gonna extend the season into July!
  2. I forgot another gem in Iowa: after every game, they give an award to the losing team for reaching that round of the playoffs. At least in Idaho, you had to win a game or two to get some hardware.
  3. apeman33

    apeman33 Well-Known Member

    Same in Kansas. Tonight's first-round losers will get "Bi-District Runner-Up" plaques.
  4. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Kentucky used to have that format. Got rid of it this year or last, instead having 16 teams compete for the title at Applebees Park in Lexington each year. Used to be we'd have the best-of-3 semi-state, which got the field down to eight -- and those eight would move on to State.
  5. sctvman

    sctvman New Member

    In South Carolina, they do that for the state finals, but the most any team has to play against each other is three games. For example, my HS baseball team played a team from another part of the state three times. Once they played on Saturday night, and the winner got to wait until Wednesday where they hosted and had to lose twice. The loser of the game had to play on Monday, win then win twice over the same team to go to the next round.

    Baseball and softball teams can lose three times and still win state (once in their district round, once at lower state and once at state). The finals are 3 games, one at the highest-ranked team, one at the lower-ranked team, and one at a neutral site.
  6. SoCalDude

    SoCalDude Active Member

    Not sure of all the details.
    Now, it's two games a week, like Tuesday and Friday.
    The other way it would be two series a week, games Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (if nec.), then the next round would be Friday and Saturday (doubleheader, if nec). It wouldn't lengthen the season at all.
  7. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    That is long overdue out there.

    In Colorado, they group teams of four into a double-elimination format, then another group of four before going to state, where double elimination is done again. That's fair.

    I have long (25-plus years) hated the CIF-SS rule on how they determine who gets to be home for the next round of playoffs at all levels. If it's an equal number of having home games, they use a coin flip. In Colorado, if it's an equal number of having home games, the higher seed gets the home game. Much more fair and rewards regular-season play.
  8. dirtybird

    dirtybird Well-Known Member

    Thankfully no one cares about SCISA.

    You also forgot to mention the glory of split 4A, 2A AND 1A titles.
  9. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    Texas gives teams the option of playing either best-of-3 or a single game in baseball and softball. The coaches of each team can agree to a format, or if they don't agree, flip a coin.

    I hate the best-of-3 because it stretches the playoffs deep into June. No other sports have this format. The baseball state tournament, which funny enough is single elimination, ended on June 12 this year and 2-a-days for the next football season started Aug. 2.
  10. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    I just heard, and I think this is correct, the legion baseball coaches in Virginia can now be coached by a high school coach who will be basically coaching his own team.

    Which mean, Podunk High's season just went from high school games to high school and legion games.
  11. crimsonace

    crimsonace Well-Known Member

    Indiana has totally-open summers. From the time school ends until the week before two-a-days start in fall sports, coaches have completely unlimited access. Our HS basketball team played 30 games last June (now, many were 5-games-in-a-day running-clock shootouts, but seriously) and practiced every day. The baseball team sends a couple of top players off to travel ball and stays intact and plays summer games through June. Football does 7-on-7 in July. It's nuts.
  12. flexmaster33

    flexmaster33 Well-Known Member

    Yes, the everyone in format is the growing trend, and it leads to a bunch of meaningless games. The postseason is pretty meaningless anymore until you hit the second round and beyond.

    And they extended Oregon to six classes about five years ago, yet the crunch the 3A/2A/1A small schools together just to get enough for an eight-team state playoff...it's beyond silly. Our local team played in a three-school league this year.

    I'm seeing the baseball posts in here...I kind of like the idea of a best-of-three format. Shrink the bracket by a round so it doesn't make the season go forever, but doing a doubleheader followed by the "if necessary" game seems like it would keep things moving along.
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