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the sunday comics

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by leo1, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    That said, the current "Nancy" may be the absolute dumbest strip out there. I can feel brain cells dying each time I read one.
  2. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    The old "Nancy" was the dumbest strip out there.

    We may have a record for longest continuing dumbest strip out there.

    That is, unless Fred Bassett is still in syndication.
  3. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    The current "Nancy" is indeed pretty dumb, but it isn't nearly as mind-numbingly dopey as the old Ernie Bushmiller "classics". Yack. :p

    The fact that they've turned Aunt Fritzi into a semi-Salma Hayek-looking hottie, ramps up the interest factor, from 0.00000001 on the Richter scale, all the way to 0.00000002.
  4. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Bushmiller's Nancy was LCD-driven . . . as is Family Circus . . . as is Garfield. Take simple characters, three situations, and
    juggle them endlessly, sans imagination.
  5. OTD

    OTD Well-Known Member

    This thread is nothing without pictures (I always wanted to say that).
  6. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    No surprise to see "Zits" get a lot of props...it's drawn by Jim Borgman, the kick-ass (and Pulitzer-winning) editorial cartoonist at the Cinci Enquirer. I love Borgman on the ed page or the funny page.

    I think "Opus" is good too, I'm glad that guy brought the strip back in a different form. And I'll read Peanuts 'til the end of time.
  7. shecky

    shecky Member

    Another strong vote for Get Fuzzy, followed by Non Sequitur and Zits.
  8. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    If Non Sequitur can generate a greater variety of gags in the future . . . well, it's built a solid base, and with
    improvement, could emerge as one of the great cult strips . . . though it's already too sophisticated for many.
  9. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Borgman's handling of Zits' father character, alone, puts the strip at the modern forefront.
  10. kingcreole

    kingcreole Active Member

    I too miss Calvin and Hobbes (and Calvin's comic book hero Captain Napalm, and his cereal Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs).

    I read on a daily basis Beelte Bailey, Blondie, Zits, Fox Trot, For Better or for Worse, Dilbert, Peanuts, Garfield and Dennis the Menace. Very few make me laugh, but the ones that occasionally do are Fox Trot, Beetle Bailey and Zits.
  11. Perry White

    Perry White Active Member

    Pearls Before Swine and Frazz are highlights.
  12. sportsed

    sportsed Guest

    People on here (I can't remember who ... sorry) have posted comics from the Internet that are 300x more funny that anything that runs in your typical daily. Get Fuzzy is the leader of the pack, with Fox Trot getting some votes. And you know what, I like Hi and Lois. It's not edgy but it's not maudlin or preachy either. It's just nice.

    Zits is a piece of crap cut into thirds. Can't standing the drawing style, with the kid's gigantic backpack and tennis shoes. Why does the mom look like a white version of Cleveland's wife from the Family Guy? Awful strip.
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