The selection process was based entirely on nominations, I believe, so that may have something to do with it. Lots of good college journalists not on that list, and I'm assuming many of them for that reason. Some may simply just not have known about this.
Haha, guess which one I am. Man, I haven't posted here in a few years, probably. Hope all is well. And the news industry will never die.
From what I remember about getting e-mails about this last year, basically you're only put on the list if you make a profile on their site. It's basically, "Hey...register and fill out all of this crap for you profile and we'll put you on this list." Not to say that they don't belong there, because for the most part, they do. I just think it's funny that you could have a ton of nominations, internships, etc., and still not make it if you didn't take the time to put all kinds of stuff on their site.
CCaple is right; filling out a profile doesn't have anything to do with being selected -- though we do try to get the 100 winners to register for profiles, if possible. -- Jim Reedy, UWIRE Sports Editor
I've been a member here for the last year with an impressive grand total of four posts (including this one) and I'm a selectee from the journalism powerhouse at the University of Tampa. You know, the school that fired the guy who tried to start a journalism major. Congrats to all of the other SJ members (and non-members) who won. I got my start as a sports writer and drew a lot of advice from this board and I'm sure I will in the future.