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The Veep Thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by writing irish, May 11, 2008.

  1. PopeDirkBenedict

    PopeDirkBenedict Active Member

    Here is my question:

    I can understand why Obama would be willing to consider HRC for veep. She does have experience, it unites the party, etc.

    But what does Hillary get out of that transaction? Being veep really is about putting your political life into a blind trust. A good, loyal veep (ala Alberto Gore) has to support the president at every turn, even if they actually disagree. It is a major step down from her current role in terms of power and influence. If Ted Strickland or Sebilius or Schweitzer wants to make a serious run for the presidency someday, being Obama's veep is the best way to do that. Hillary doesn't need that platform.
  2. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    And she's too old. If she wants any shot at being president, she'll have to wait until 2016, when she'll be 68. Of course, if Obama wins, she's got to do that anyway.
  3. RedSmithClone

    RedSmithClone Active Member

    I already said prior to this I think McCain has a solid chance in Mass. I think Romney might push him over the top.
  4. spinning27

    spinning27 New Member

    Don't the VP candidates have just one debate? Who cares? Does anyone even watch it?

    If the polling shows that McCain's "inexperience" attacks on foreign policy are hitting, Obama should take a long look at Richardson. His diplomatic experience with North Korea is especially interesting. He would add gravitas to the ticket in terms of foreign relations without undercutting Obama's anti-war stance.

    And yes, Richardson would be a huge help in New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada and perhaps even put Texas into play.
  5. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

  6. Blitz

    Blitz Active Member

    McCain and wife will host Louisiana guv Bobby Jindal and his wife for a weekend meeting in Arizona.
    Jindal is like a more approachable Ross Perot.
    Not as self-congratulatory as Perot seem(ed) to be a few campaigns ago.
    Jindal's got a great mind and, if nothing else, would be able to help balance the budget in one term.
    In two, he'd have us back in the black.
    Great head on that guy's shoulders.
    And he's only 30-something, I do believe.
  7. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    I can guarantee you that Richardson will NOT be the VP for Obama. The Obama-ites in Chicago HQ (including a relative of mine) know all-to-well that Richardson has a wandering eye and that that problem will be pounced on by the GOP.

    I'm telling you all again, Bredesen has the inside track.
  8. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    No way is Richardson Obama's running mate...
  9. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Why? Bredesen does not put Tennessee in play. Too many racist crackers who "ain't votin' for no uppity black man" in Tennessee. I know. I lived there.
  10. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    Crist and Romney are also due to be there.
  11. spinning27

    spinning27 New Member

    Jindal is an impressive guy. He probably shouldn't have attended that exorcism, however.
  12. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Yeah, it will suck to be a heartbeat away from the presidency...
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