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The Wire, Season 5 -- Read Between the Lines

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by PhilaYank36, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. RossLT

    RossLT Guest

    For real? damn.
  2. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    How'd her hair look?
  3. a_rosenthal

    a_rosenthal Guest

    I thought Omar's role in season five was forced, I thought. He was a crowd favorite, so they made him more important than he needed to be during that final season. The whole "bounty on his head" thing was played out in earlier seasons.

    What made Dukie sad, to me, was how he literally didn't have a choice. He avoided using drugs and living on the street as best he could, but he was born into a horrible situation. As soon as he got into a decent one (if you want to call living with a hired assassin decent), he had to go to the streets. Omar knew what he was getting into. Dukie didn't have a choice.

    Snoop was fucking scary. Way scarier than Omar.
  4. Riddick

    Riddick Active Member

    I'm still mourning my boy, Brody from last season.
  5. StormSurge

    StormSurge Active Member




    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  6. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Agreed. Snoop was the scariest character in the whole series. She was completely without conscience.
  7. I didn't think Omar, or Chris for that matter, were very scary. They had a code and a job, respectively.

    Snoop was scary but Marlo was equally scary, IMO.
  8. a_rosenthal

    a_rosenthal Guest

    Snoop killed without asking questions. I would like to have seen some backstory to her, though. How does someone get to the point where they, quite literally, don't have any thoughts or feelings about a murder? Chris showed some level of awareness when he beat the piss out of Bug's dad, that this guy 'deserved', for lack of a better word, more punishment than some mope who said Marlo wore his pants too high or something.

    Snoop just killed. Didn't even seem to care when she was about to die, either.

    "How's my hair look?"
  9. Oh she cared. She had a tear in her eye.
  10. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Marlo killed for a purpose, for himself. Marlo was all about Marlo. Snoop killed because that was what was next. No thought process. I can't remember the exact line, but when she took Michael to the one house and said, "Deserve got nothing to do with it." Snoop was little more than a gun. A human gun.

    And a_r, the sad thing is we saw Snoop's back story for five seasons, in all those little kids running around with no guidance and no agenda except to get over on everyone else. Any one of them could be the next Snoop. The wonder is that all of them don't turn out to be Snoop.

    The whole series was about how nurture, through circumstance, trumps nature. You get the Dookies, the Michaels of the world, and put them in a hopeless circumstance, and they turn out as a somewhat smarter version of everyone else there.
  11. Smartly put, dumbo. :)
  12. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    That's Babar, fucknut. Dumbo couldn't carry my jock. Actually, not many people could. An elephant's nutsack is really heavy.
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