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The Wire, Season 5 -- Read Between the Lines

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by PhilaYank36, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    I honestly think it has to be, if not blatant racism, about accessability. There must be too many Emmy voters who, if they watch it at all (which I seriously doubt), can't follow the dialogue. Or they just can't handle the bleakness, I don't know. I gave my parents the first season DVD a few years ago, and six months later, I asked them (big Sopranos fans) what they thought. They said they'd only watched like two episodes, thought it was too hard to follow, and too depressing. I thought that was just silly.
  2. zimbabwe

    zimbabwe Active Member

    Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    Thinking about this snub is actually ruining my day.

    I need a life.

    DD -- That O'Brien quote is beautiful.
  3. STLIrish

    STLIrish Active Member

    Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    Yeah, that's an embarrasment, and surprising after all the love The Wire got from critics at the start of the season.
    But I don't know about racism, I'd chalk it up more to an utter lack of imagination on the part of Emmy voters who seem compelled to nominate from a pool of pretty much the same people/shows every year. Probably doesn't help that The Wire doesn't have any really strong female characters, either; everyone in it is competing in the same two, always-deep, categories.
  4. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    Kima and Snoop aren't strong female characters?
  5. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    My thought exactly.

    As much as I hate what happens to any thread that delves NEAR the issue of racism on this board, and as much as I think the race card is VASTLY overplayed by talking heads these days, there isn't any other reason I can think of why a show that was almost unanimously beloved by critics gets no Emmy nominations when the main difference between it and its competition -- other than The Wire's superiority in almost every respect -- is that it features an almost entirely black cast.

    I just can't think of another reason. And it's fucking sad. It really is.
  6. Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    Every year The Wire is snubbed there's another explanation that comes out: that the show is too difficult to follow for Emmy watchers who didn't watch previous seasons.

    I don't think that's remotely true this season. Marlo and the kids pretty much dominated the whole season and yes, while there were subplots, the season was pretty much self-contained.

    I think it's obvious Emmy watchers didn't watch it this year or in years past.
  7. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    Good stuff about this ridiculous snub from EW's Mark Harris:

  8. STLIrish

    STLIrish Active Member

    Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    As I've said before on this thread, I haven't seen season 4 yet (no HBO), so I don't know about Snoop. So perhaps I spoke out of turn. And, while I've got nothing but love for Kima, to be honest I've just never felt she's one of the stronger character/acting jobs on the show (again, at least through the first three seasons.) Not at the level of Omar, Bubbles, Stringer, D'Angelo, McNulty, Nick Sobotka, etc.
    But to my larger point, you've got to admit most of the great roles on this show are for men.
  9. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    Four words have never gotten me so pumped about a season premier than these:

    McNulty is drinking again.

    This season is going to be incredible.
  10. Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    When does the season start, so I know when to get HBO again ...
  11. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

  12. STLIrish

    STLIrish Active Member

    Re: All-purpose, never-ending "Wire" thread

    I just pre-ordered the Season 4 dvd. Should be coming next week. I'm pumped.
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