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The Wire

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by OkayPlayer, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Pube, you ignorant slut. I will not concede this point.

    (Kidding. You're allowed to think whatever you want. If you love the show, we're still cool.)

    I still think what happens with D'Angelo was one of the ballsiest calls in television history, and that episode (Prologue) is one of the best in the four years of The Wire. Even the Sopranos hasn't shown the stones to do that to a character that big and that important to your first season.
  2. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    No doubt.

    I guess the corruption depicted on the docks just wasn't as revelatory to me as the rest of the series.

    And, what a disastrous casting move, that Fredo clone Ziggy.
  3. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    Yeah, I'm definitely not knocking the season on the whole because I'm still not at the end, and I realize that this show is such a huge payoff at the end. My only qualm was with the acting not being on the level of season one, but then again that acting was so strong it'd be tough to match. I'm sure I'll like this season a lot more at the end (moreso if Ziggy gets canned).

    As for your other post, I think D'Angelo is one of the best characters I can think of from any show. He just had so many sides and elements at play. Him and Wallace were to of the most sympathetic characters I've ever seen in a show, just caught up in something that they couldn't escape even though they were better people than it.

    I've been watching season 4 because I can't resist now that I have access to HBO and I think this storyline with the kids has huge potential and it's already completely captivating after only a few episodes. Again, these kids are unbelievable actors for their age. For whatever reason the actors from the projects came off as more real to me than the dockworkers, although I don't have much experience with either, I just don't think a guy like Ziggy and his stupid duck would really fit in with a bunch of blue collar dockworkers. Can't help but bash him, he's surpassed Tony's mom as the most annoying character on a great show, although you have to believe that they are written that way intentionally, it doesn't make me hate them less.
  4. wedgewood

    wedgewood Member

    I'm pretty much in total agreement with everyone that's posted so far. This show is phenomenal. I own seasons 1 through 3, and it's well worth the money.
    It's the little things I love. Omar, the fiercest motherfucker in West Baltimore, never curses. Rawls, the Alpha Male, undoubtedly the biggest prick in the department, warming a seat at the gay bar. McNulty repeatedly asking "What the fuck did I do?" The laugh out loud foul language, words like 'shitbird' and 'fucknuts.' Similar to Homicide, Simon didn't go with any really big names. Dominic West might be a big deal in England, but I had never seen him before The Wire. I suppose the biggest name actor might've been Wood Harris, perhaps Chris Bauer or Wendell Pierce. I think it adds to the realism of the show. Could you imagine John Cusack playing McNulty? Wouldn't work.
    I think the only noticeable flaw so far has been the casting of Ziggy. He looks nothing Frank. No freaking way those two could be related. (I suppose he could be a dead ringer for his momma, but you never see her). And contrary to popular opinion here, I thought Ziggy was a hoot. YOU GAVE ME BAD ADVICE! - when Maui plops him on the top of the stacks and the time he was getting the ever-living hell beat out of him by Cheese. True, he was annoying and over the top at times, but I found him intriguing ... way in over his head.
    One thing that has bugged me ... Anyone know what D and R stands for in relation to the wiretapping?
    And also, who do you wanna see catch a bullet this season? I will cheer if it's Maury Levy.
  5. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    Which season you talking about?
  6. Ziggy was supposed to be irritating, a fuckup.
    In that sense, I had no problem with the character.
  7. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    As DD has already eloquently said, I would encourage anyone who thought season two was a letdown to watch it again.

    Because I thought the same thing at the beginning, but was blown away at the end. Beginning with the episode that starts with Omar testifying against Bird, that season comes together at a breakneck pace, connecting a bunch of themes that I hadn't gotten the connections from earlier.

    And Ziggy was fantastic.
  8. wedgewood

    wedgewood Member

    Season Four, that's assuming they already haven't written Levy out of the show, now with Stringer dead and Avone gone.
  9. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    Thank you. I stopped RIGHT HERE on this thread.

    I've got two more episodes of Season 2 (which really picks up the pace around halfway through, FYI, Boobie) and just got Season 3 in the mail yesterday.

    Too bad, 'cause this is a good thread. Spoilers, stop, please.
  10. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    I'm definitely going to have watch season 2 again, these last few episodes have so much going on. Only have the finale to go, and then I'll probably start it up again.
    Something that's helped me follow all of the intricacies of the plot is going to hbo.com after and reading about the episode on the episode guide. It helps just fill in small connections that you don't pick up on during the show and thus hints at what will be important so you're more aware of what to watch for in future episodes.
  11. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Watch the episode "Bad Dreams" again where Ziggy and Frank talk in the jail cell. It's really subtle, and I missed it the first two times I watched it, but watch it again. Or, I'll post what happens below...


    Ziggy: Pop, when I see what I done to that kid down at the store, it made me sick to my stomach.

    Frank: That ain't you Zig.

    Ziggy: It ain't? Cause the same blood don't flow for you and me, pop. I wish it did, but it don't.

    Frank: You're more like me than you know. You're a Sobatka.

    Ziggy: Fucked is what I am.

    Ziggy is telling Frank that he knows Frank isn't his real father. So there is a pretty good reason they don't look alike.
  12. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    Jesus Christ, Dominic West is British?? I had to look that up on imdb after reading wedgewood's post. That bit of info makes McNulty's bit at failing horribly at a Brit accent when he's undercover at the whorehouse even better.

    God, the Brits are so much better at playing Yanks than vice versa.
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