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Third Quarter Revenues for the Largest Publishers

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by LanceyHoward, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. LanceyHoward

    LanceyHoward Well-Known Member

    Do you mean 50-55% of total pages in the paper. So if USA Today prints 24 pages they need 12 pages to be ads? I have not seen a printed copy of USA Today in a while but I doubt they have more than eight. When I travel I count ad pages and I don't see many papers with more than 10 pages of ads.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2017
  2. TexasVet

    TexasVet Active Member

    It varies for different papers (and USA Today may be a little different because of their inclusion at so many hotels), but it's 50-55% of total space in the paper that would be taken by ads. Maybe 2x5 ads all over the place with some quarter- and half-pages scattered throughout that add up to 55%
  3. LanceyHoward

    LanceyHoward Well-Known Member

    I do not see many papers running that high a percentage unless it is a day that the shopping circulars are going out. I don't take a ruler but I do a rough approximation and I don't see papers with that high an ad ratio very often. I can almost tell you the content of the ad pages:

    Obituaries (1 or 2 pages)
    Classifieds (1 page)
    Television listing (1/2 page)
    Movies (3/4 of a page)
    Some company selling hearing aids 1-2 pages
    The company selling E.D. cures on the sports page (2 by 5)
    A couple pages in total of retail

    But if a paper gets to 10 pages they are not doing badly

    Circulars have held up and there will be more ads the days legals, the auto or real estate section run but that is it. Check your paper tomorrow and let me know.
  4. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Surprise, surprise.

    After suspending the program in 2009, McClatchy will resume 401(k) matching, on a small scale, in 2018.

    One-third of contributions up to 6 percent will be matched. Basically a 2 percent match for those us contributing 6 percent or more. So my 20 percent contribution effectively becomes . . . 22.

    Still not as good as what I had at Tribune, where they added 4 percent to any contribution of 6 percent or more.
  5. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure why you put "save the taxpayers money" in quotes. Wouldn't it save the taxpayers money to put the legal ads online? Greater reach for less money?
  6. TexasVet

    TexasVet Active Member

    Because it's the governing bodies who said it, not me. I do agree with you, and them, though.
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