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Thoughts on Scout and Rivals...

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Hoops4Me, Aug 10, 2006.

  1. JME

    JME Member

    And this is the exact reason I find it amusing when the owner of my site implies it would be easy to find someone else like me to run the site with little trouble.
  2. Something tells me Point of Order is somehow affiliated with Rivals or Scout, cause he's awfully sensitive about this stuff.

    I can't seem to find an example of my "beckoning" the NCAA to police fan web sites. All I can find is my pointing out the FACT that the NCAA is monitoring and scrutinizing these sites a hell of a lot more than newspapers -- and for good reason, in a lot of cases.
  3. JackInTheBox

    JackInTheBox Member

    Anyone who thinks the NCAA isn't paying close attention to Rivals and Scout is crazy. As I said before, the management of both is getting a little nervous.
  4. JackInTheBox

    JackInTheBox Member

    The NCAA has NO control over Rivals or Scout. The problem is that with some these sites, the line between journalism and fandom is very blurry, and the NCAA could potentially reprimand some school because of what a Rivals site publisher writes or says. In turn, that school could deny all access to the Web site. In the long run, that would hurt Rivals or Scout. That's why they're nervous and why they warn everyone to represent themselves as a journalist and not a fan when they call these kids. But ultimately there is a price to pay for hiring all these pom-pom waving homers to run sites.
  5. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Something tells me you do fairly shoddy work as a print reporter, too. And I am sensitive to the realization that you are very loose with your "facts".
  6. Point of Order (AKA Bitter Web Guy):

    You can take all the cheap shots you want. Doesn't bother me one bit.

    Meantime, I'll refer to you Jack in the Box. He's got it right.
  7. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    I know a Rivals guy and he has a modest journalism pedigree. He is the right guy for an operation like that, I'll say that much. Very limited writing skills, but a strong personality and decent reporting tools.

    But if anyone believes that these guys are out there practicing real journalism, you're fooling yourself.
  8. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Rivals has already gone bankrupt once, in 2001.

    It's not like recruiting is more popular five years later.

    The outfit is just better run, they know what they are. Before, they just wondered what they wanted to be.
  9. Satchel Pooch

    Satchel Pooch Member

    I'm not sure I have the story 100 percent right, but I know you don't.

    The guy who used to run Rivals ran it into the ground by spending too far above anyone's head during the go-go Internet bubble. He then wound up somewhere else. The people who run it now aren't the ones who supplied the money then.
  10. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Just going by what I'd been told. I stand corrected.
  11. Hoops4Me

    Hoops4Me New Member

    Actually the guy that created and owned Rivals is know the owner of Scout.com.
  12. bake1234

    bake1234 Member

    Just wondering if people have changed their minds about Scout or Rivals much since this thread, particularly on the high school level. And does anyone know anything about pay on their high school sites?
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