If he hadn't written 27 inches, a member newspaper somewhere would have called and asked for more. It's just the way it works. How many inches of copy do you figure the AP is churning out on the Pope today? Probably enough to fill up a couple of newspapers but, more importantly, the amount of copy ensures there's enough variety to fill the needs of any member's wish list. It's not easy being all things to all members.
I loved Jordan... I don't put Tiger on that level... Then again, I don't put anyone else of this generation on that level... During my limited dealings with Tiger, I found him to be a total and complete prick. He lacks the charisma that Jordan oozed... I know Jordan could be a nightmare to deal with at times, but he turned it on and off pretty well...
As long as we're asking . . . How did Mark McGwire hurt his knee late in his career? Played first base. Hit home runs. Or made an out.
I found Jordan completely acharismatic, and as big a dick to deal with -- if you could get close to him, which about three people could -- as Tiger ever has been.
I've heard the Jordan stories. Hell, Leahy and Smith's brilliant books detailed it... Granted, I only dealt with Jordan maybe 15-20 times (all pre-Wizards) and Tiger six times, but that's just my opinion based on what I saw...