I watched some Classic coverage of the Bulls first season with Pippen and Grant. I was a huge Jordan fan, but I was still shocked to see some of the things he did on the floor. I thought they were, by now, run-of-the-mill moves. But they're not. Kobe comes close, but I don't think anyone in the game dropped as many jaws as Jordan did in his prime. And I'm talking about the days before he became a jump-shot first guy. But I've heard the stories about Jordan, too. All I can say is that it's a damn shame he isn't half the person off the floor as he was on it. I can see how the flours and push-offs soured some, but I tuned in nonetheless when I knew I'd be watching that guy. I'm the same way with Tiger.
27 inches on this story is definitely too much. Diarrhea of the fingers ... I've dealt with neither Jordan nor Tiger personnally, but the circumcision marks on Tiger's neck seem much more pronounced, though the only reason I say that is the way he dresses down fans. The guys he plays will probably never get a quiet tee shot because the fans are buzzing about Tiger, and he's cussing out someone who takes a picture? Screw him.
If AP has an issue with him writing 27 inches, I'm pretty sure they would have cut it before sending it out. So my guess is the guy is doing what his bosses want. He sure takes a lot of unwarranted shit here.
The 27 inches complaint is ridiculous. Ferguson covers all the angles, but nobody has to run it all. It's damn ignorant and damn petty to dog him for that.
Too much wire story is never a problem. Too little can be. If you gave Tiger a 15-inch hole, whack it. Takes about 60 seconds to skim the 12 inches of extra length and make sure there's nothing in there that needs to be included. No massaging needs to be done. No egos will be bruised.
How many inches would the AP football guy in Boston write if Brady had a knee injury and was out 4-6?
I'll defend Doug on that one... 27 inches on the world's most famous athlete missing six weeks due to an injury is perfectly reasonable...
After reading all the posts to this point, I went and read Doug's write-thru. While I agree with the sentiment that anyone should be able to easily cut a 27-inch wire story in half without much of an effort, I do think the story would have been perfectly fine without quoting Tiger's agent. I, for one, don't give a flying f--k what an agent has to say about something that isn't related to his player's business dealings.