Sorry if I ruffled your feathers, Orville, but consider yourself collateral damage here. The gratuitous bashing of Ferguson in these parts for doing his job reached its sell-by date a long time ago. Having edited more than my share of AP novellas over the years (motor sports columnist Mike Harris used to write the equivalent of a Russian novel every week), it doesn't seem to be that much heavy lifting to cut Mark Steinberg's quotes or whatever else you need to do to get it to fit your alloted space. I've got no problem with writing 27 inches about the world's most famous athlete going for surgery two days after the Masters. That's Doug doing his job.
Nantz and the CBS crew made several comments about how he seemed to lack some fire on Saturday and Sunday, and though none of them mentioned a possible injury, there was one move by Tiger that drew some questioning: On one of the early holes Sunday, he hit into a green side bunker and after the shot, he was VERY cautious climbing out of it. He grimaced as he climbed out and walked a little tenderly for a few steps afterward. I think it was Faldo who said something about it after Tiger eventually got out.
Wonder if Jack drove down a couple hours and grabbed a bottle of Bob Griese's Long Live The Giants bubbly. Three weeks ago, the thought of Tiger not having 15 major wins headed to the British would have been laughed out of the room. Nicklaus' mark, I feel, has a puncher's chance again, all of a sudden.
Who here thought Tiger wouldn't win this year's Masters and Open at freaking Torrey Pines. He may still win by eight in La Jolla, but if he doesn't, I think things get interesting, though the odds, as you articulate, are still in Woods' favor.
The most optimistic side of his rehab schedule calls for his return to the Memorial in late May. He's out for The Players. Won't bother him any. He doesn't like the course and the Tour has rebuffed his numerous suggestions that they flip the nines so No. 17 (the Island Green) is No. 8, and disasters would come earlier in a round, with a chance to catch up. Wouldn't surprise me if the timing of the surgery was intended to do just that -- take a swipe at the Tour by missing its biggest event.