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Tiger Woods in Car Accident

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by taller hack, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I'm sure Tiger found the property couldn't be big enough on that night.
  2. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    Thank you. I don't know how many times I've tried to explain about the "privacy" issue with my friends, they continue to use the "well, he didn't kill anyone", the "that's Elin's problem (regards to infidelity)", and the "the media should leave him alone" cards.

    Those are the weakest excuses and it doesn't hold water. The excuse card I hate more than anything is the "owe" card. "Well, he doesn't 'owe' us anything". Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. As much as people watch all of these reality shows, ET, The Insider, and reading TMZ, and they suddenly have an epiphany about how someone's life should not be put out in public. These hypocrites can go to hell.

    I tell you what he owes. He "owes" it to himself to be a fucking man, take the umbrage and say simply "I fucked up." We know he'll never do it. He "owes" to his wife to come clean with his cheating. He "owes" it to everyone, media, fans, and others to work on getting his shit together, earn the trust and the respect of people again. That's what he owes.

    What upsets me is the accusation on how the "media" made Tiger's life a living hell. You guys didn't do a god damn thing to Tiger. Tiger and Earl created this persona that Tiger can't do no wrong, Tiger works harder than Phil, and Tiger is focused. Whitlock needs to check himself. Only a handful has a vendetta against Tiger and a handful will give him a blowjob so they wouldn't have their "access" to Tiger cut-off.

    He could have stopped with that first paragraph. But he fucked himself going after everyone else, but himself. I don't want to hear that his infidelity is a private issue. Mark Sanford didn't get any privacy, why should Tiger? (and don't throw that bullshit "Sanford is a politician" excuse. It applies to everyone in the public eye)

    When Tiger signed that unwritten contract to be in the public eye, selling Gillette, Buicks, and golf clubs, his "privacy" went out the door, as Michael said. Too bad Earl didn't tell him that the person everyone sees on the golf course is the one everyone will expect to see off of it.

    Hiding behind his website, posting generic weak statements about it, and hoping his "fans" and Steve Williams will piss-pound people in his defense further proves to me that he's still a freak of nature on the green, but a poor individual away from it.

    Simon, the some in the press (not all of them) has sucked him off for 15 years so that he wouldn't cut their access, or their dicks, of him if they wrote anything critical of him. Whitlock should know that. He ripped Tiger after his classic meltdown at the British Open about 5-6 years ago on WHB radio. Whitlock then "put a clown suit" on Roger Twibell for not asking "tough" questions towards Tiger. Tiger doesn't control the media, and the media showed him why, albeit it was TMZ, National Enquirer, etc. The fringe media as I consider them. They're not afraid to cross lines, stare celebrities down, and get the story they need to give to their readers.

    Secondly, Simon, this is one of the major reasons on why Tiger's been so fucking evasive of the press: he didn't want them knowing what he did off the course, when he's not at home. I read Charlie Pierce's stories for the first time last night. I knew Tiger had another side of him, but holy shit, how he's been able to scare people into not talking about that side of him is astounding.
  3. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I do find it amusing to hear a guy who has cheated on his wife multiple times with multiple women complaining about the behavior of the press.
    Didn't really understand Wilbon's article at all. I don't think anyone is surprised that an athlete like Woods cheated, the surprise is how bad he was at it.
  4. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    So what you are saying is - as soon as this thing happened, he got out of the hospital then he had a press conference on his front lawn and said....

    "This wasn't an accident. I fucked other women and my wife found out and she got pissed and swung my 9-iron at my back window. I been fucking around for like two years and now that she found out we are going to work together and try to figure out if we want to stay together or get a divorce. At any rate, I fucked up and I know it and I told her as much and I can only hope she will forgive me."

    ......all of this would have gone away? It would have ended right there and the media would be done with it?

    That's bullshit and you know it - the idea that the reason this still has a life is because he hasn't taken responsibility to your satisfaction is silly. He doesn't owe me an explanation and he certainly doesn't owe you or anyone else and the reason this thing has a life is because it has all the makings of a scandal that sells papers and generates rating - celebrity, bi-racial fucking, adultry, mystery.

    YGBFKM Guest

    Not sure why you're getting so worked up over a non-story, zag.
  6. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Letterman pre-empted anything TMZ could have done by getting it all out there in his own way. There's something to be said for that. Tiger could have done the same, but before the US Weekly story came out there wasn't much meat on the bone to require him doing so. He'd already (probably) paid off the one girl to do the NY Post story and forgotten about the others. I'd bet the farm Tiger initially lied to his handlers about his affairs, thus their reaction.
  7. Care Bear

    Care Bear Guest

    I don't think bi-racial fucking has anything to do with this. None. You just made that up. That's ridiculous.
  8. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Heard Twitlock on Dan Patrick say maybe it's white people saying something to the effect of "don't go all OJ on us, Tiger." Of course, he cautioned by saying he hadn't really thought that idea through, which seemed fairly obvious to me. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say in some places maybe there is some elements of bi-racial screwing that is driving interest or scorn. That's not the case where I am, or among anyone I know. But in other parts of the country where country music is the only thing on the radio and minorities are only seen on TV (and are either athletes or bad guys) maybe that's the case.
  9. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    If you don't think the Jungle Fever element of this story is helping to drive it and make it even more juicy - much like, as FH pointed out, it added some spice to the OJ thing -- then you don't live in the United States of America, in fact you probably like to live somewhere along that river in East Africa.
  10. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I don't really think it is. Though I wonder if Tiger has ever dated a black woman.
  11. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    There should be a distinction here. Media should dig into the possible cover-up of the wreck, investigate what the police won't. I sure wouldn't be chasing mistresses tho. That I'd gladly cede to TMZ, in the way I wouldn't expect TMZ to dissect the health care debate. Division of labor in a multifarious media world isn't the worst thing in the world.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Found in interesting that Court TV's Lisa Bloom said Tiger must have paid off the NY mistress for Allred to cancel the presser yesterday. Especially interesting to learn that Bloom is Allred's daughter. I didn't know this considering how much the two have covered the same turf in various court cases/scandals on TV.
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