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Tiki to Irvin: You're an idiot

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Trey Beamon, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. tyler durden 71351

    tyler durden 71351 Active Member

    Shit, you'll be edging into John Bonham/Bon Scott/Steve Clark territory in 30 minutes.
    How Michael Irvin has a network analyst gig is beyond me...
  2. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    He provides the crack, whores and security for the parties in Bristol.

    I drove by a home on the Eastern Shore of Maryland a number of years back, when the Redskins were big (before the Ravens), someone put a #88 Cowboys jersey on their lawn jockey for Redskins-Cowboys week. A fitting tribute.
  3. A couple of thoughts:
    I don't recall the "idiots" making such a big deal out of the retirement talk that swirled around Jerome Bettis last season. Bettis never came out a said he was hanging it up, but there was a LOT hinting at it. I think the are a lot of parallels between the two.

    I think what T. Barber said is true about the Gameday crew not talking to anyone associated with the Giants.
    To be honest, I think the only guy who provides any insight on Gameday is Mort - because he makes phone calls to the teams - instead of smoking crack, peddling Levitra, or trying to work out-dated Eagles songs references into the day's broadcast.
    None of the stage guys do anything even remotely close to reporting. They have guys who do the reporting and they react. That's probably their job, but it makes them no better than bloggers - goofballs with no access to the people relevant to the story, but shitloads of opinion and speculation.
    Hell, I could replace Michael Irvin and the program wouldn't miss a beat.
    The sad fact is the Gameday boys actually have the access. They just don't use it.
  4. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    I'm sick of the ubiquitous Tiki. The only difference between him and, say, a T.O. is that Tiki hasn't done an out - loud "I love me some me." Guy thinks he can do or say no wrong right now. Kind of reminds me of Leinart last year, and it just gets old.

    Sorry, Tiki, but when you're such an obvious attention whore people will eventually get sick of you and, yes, criticize you. So chill out with your paper - thin skin. Shut your mouth and film your next commercial.

    There's a fine line between legitimately exploring your options and flat - out, banal overexposure and attention - seeking. Tiki crossed that line a long time ago. That's his choice, but he shouldn't be surprised when it comes back to bite him in the ass. Irvin might be out of line, but I agree with a lot of what Gary Myers has written on Barber.
  5. shotglass

    shotglass Guest


    I'm glad you'll allow that much...
  6. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    Another case where Tom Jackson didn't talk to people: his (in)famous "all the players hate Belichick" barb.
  7. Sportsbruh

    Sportsbruh Member

    I'm sick of Tiki. I personally don't think he will make it out of the league in "one piece"
  8. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    And I'm sick of Irvin. How can you say if a coach didn't have a contract extension in his last year, you didn't listen to him?

    It's bizarre that Bettis, who played 13 seasons, gets a pass for saying I'm done during the season, and Barber, who is in his tenth, doesn't.

    The laff-fest that NFL pre-game shows are mean I have a new plan for my Sunday's.

    11 a.m. Fox Soccer Channel Premiership coverage.
  9. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Good for Tiki - Irvin is a clown. Sadly it appears that TJ has bought a ticket on the clown bus this year also. Its hard to watch but I guess he is doing what he has to since he lost his Primetime gig.

    What next - Steve Young busted with Irvin in Bristol parking lot - crack pipe in hand .
  10. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    I don't think Jackson is irretrievable at this point.

    Lest we forget; "Are you retarded?"

    While not the best phrasing, it shows signs even he thinks Irvin is an idiot.
  11. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Then you had not yet watched the segment on Monday Night pregame show - Jacked Off
  12. Trouser_Buddah

    Trouser_Buddah Active Member

    How so?

    Wow. Just, wow.
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