The stories say he was in the can on weapons charges. Apparently this was his first violent crime. And it also said even the inmates didn't like him. Can't see why. If you get kicked out of a white supremist prison gang in Utah, you must really be some kind of asshole. Thoughts and prayers to the officer's family.
Also, why in the world would he be left alone in a room with just one guard? Hopefully that's not the policy, and if it is, it needs to be rewritten pdq.
Re: As terrifying a mug shot as I have seen What a waste of perfectly good ink. I'll bet his prison bitch name is "JRC."
Re: As terrifying a mug shot as I have seen I'm sure that sick douche would be more than happy to oblige you.
Re: As terrifying a mug shot as I have seen I'm sure that swastika will go over really well in prison. I'm sure he has plenty of other things on that ugly mug of his that will go over just as well too.