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Torre turns down the Yankees

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Oz, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    They cut the mike more than O'Really.
  2. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    my point on EVERYBODY, "even mike and the mad idiot," believing torre was headed to tampa to sign the deal was how quickly EVERYBODY turned around to praise him for turning it down. but when it seemed he was going to sign it, EVERYBODY seemed to feel, "Hey, it's been a heckuva ride for joe and he loves his job and his players and it's not all about the money for him."

    as the late george young said, "it's ALWAYS about the money." money equals respect/commitment.
  3. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Sorry, Shockey.
    Only ONE GUY believed Torre was going to Tampa to sign the deal and posted it on his paper's website. And then the two idiots as well as ESPN picked it up off the website...
    that was 3:40 Thursday afternoon, at 4 p.m. the story proved to be totally wrong.

    As was his earlier story that Mattingly's friend says Donnie told the Yanks he's not ready to the manager yet.
  4. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Oh, you mean the guy who takes every Pere Stein sputter at face value?

    THAT guy?

    His batting average is diminishing, of late, eh?
  5. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    It's that. It's the fact that they scream at callers and listeners who dare disagree with them--if you can, try and find their interview with The Game Of Shadows authors. A less professional interview you won't find. Both promise to ask tough questions of their interviews, then blatantly kiss ass. They happily and willingly lie, then backpedal faster than a NFL cornerback.

    I would call them a blight on New York City's sports journalism community, but I would be praising them.
  6. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Don't think we're talking about the same guy, Ben.
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Not responsibility, but it does speak volumes about who and what Jeter is that he stayed out of the whole thing publicly. Not that he's wrong. He's a player. He's not supposed to be taking part in these decisions.

    But it is one more example of why his reputation as some great leader is undeserved. He's a great player, a future Hall-of-Famer, who doesn't stir up shit off the field. Spare us all the crap about his intangibles.
  8. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Well put, OOP
  9. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    When you wear that "C," you have an obligation to speak up for the players' best interests. Jeter, to the best of my knowledge, has never done that. The Yankees were desperate to give someone the post that Mattingly held for all those years. He certainly doesn't deserve to wear it. I think guys like Posada or Rivera do. They'll risk their reputation on taking care of their teammates. Jeter will not.
  10. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    Unless it's time to throw a teammate under the moving bus. He's only too willing to do that. See: Rodriguez, Alex and tenure with New York Yankees.
  11. casty33

    casty33 Active Member

    Shockey, I've known Torre for over 30 years and I believe his turndown was more a case of being tired of the bullshit and second-guessing and back-stabbing coming out of Tampa by people who know business but don't know baseball. He would have accepted and put up with it again if they had shown a little more respect. The money they paid him was great, he admitted that, but he has more than he needs now and just wanted a little more appreciation for the accomplishments. Also, he took the high road in his press conference and didn't rip anyone, refusing to say anything when asked about those he might have felt like lashing out at. I feel he came out a lot better than George, his true sons and his bogus son, Randy Levine.

    You can disagree with me, you have that right, but I think I know Joe and he now feels he's better off awary from the Zoo.
  12. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    casty, my friend

    there's no doubt that torre came out of this looking golden compared with the foofs in tampa. i just don't believe this worked out at all well for him, either. by all accounts, he loved being the manager of the yankees and what it's brought to him and his family the last 12 years. "the best years of my life," he said.

    he walks away from all that, plus at least $5 mil. i just don't see him ever achieving again what he did as the king of n.y. winning again in '08 was his real chance to stick to to levine and the other tampa clowns. yeah, in one scenario, if mattingly or whoever doesn't make the '08 playoffs, joe gets to laugh. but if the yanks win it all in '08 -- a legit possibility, too -- torre's legacy is tarnished in the eyes of all who have said, "anybody can win with that payroll."

    of course i agree with you and others who tell me what a class act torre is. i just don't agree that he played this last chapter well.
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