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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by BigSleeper, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Sorry, SC....you're just not the target audience on this one, so no eye candy for you.
  2. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    And you wonder why there aren't more chick geeks, dammit!
  3. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I stopped wondering about that once I got married and stopped looking for chick geeks in the dating pool.

    But I know some of you are out there. My best friend is engaged to one.
  4. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    We exist, but other than Sean Bean in Lord of the Rings, we are ignored when it comes to eye candy. So sad (tear).
  5. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    The Island was way underrated... I enjoy Bay's movies and I wasn't exactly expecting T2 when I saw Transformers... I just thought the script was awful and though Labeouf was miscast...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  6. bostonbred

    bostonbred Guest

    Zac Efron has a vagina, though. So that eliminates him right off the bat.

    Labeouf was perfectly casted and is a way better actor right now than Efron will ever be. And I mean, if he's hot enough for Rihanna, he's hot enough for me.
  7. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    You are obviously not a girl if you think Shia is hotter than Efron, so that rules you out from commenting on his hotness. That is all.
  8. Transformer is one of the better Lou Reed albums.
  9. KP

    KP Active Member

    I thought this was about FOX replays.
  10. bostonbred

    bostonbred Guest

    Efron is just too feminine to be in a kickass, masculine movie like Transformers. He'd look a little out of place singing and prancing while enormous robots are smashing the shit out of each other. Shia radiates the Everyguy quality better than any actor his age, which is probably a big reason why he was picked to go after a girl way hotter than him. And it's why he's going to be an enormous asset in Hollywood for decades to come, years after Efron is on Surreal Life 22.
  11. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Sorry, not gonna change my mind. Shia may have a longer career, but at this point, he's just not hot.
  12. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    SC, true...but he's the better pick for the target audience. He's more relatable for young guys. And let's face it, the idea is to have the fan watching and having this little fantasy of being in this adventure and getting the hot girl.

    Plus, Efron really does look like he might have a vagina.
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