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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    Obumbo? It's complete. Congrats!
    YankeeFan likes this.
  2. JohnHammond

    JohnHammond Well-Known Member

    All of this anger makes me want to embark on an epic FraudSeeker Jr. road trip this fall.
  3. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    I realize that liberals define bipartisanship as agreeing with everything they want and voting accordingly. But not giving someone EVERYTHING they want is not equivalent to giving them NOTHING. The Republicans had control of Congress yet couldn't stop Obamacare, and every year they were derelict in their duties to pass a decent budget.
  4. Justin_Rice

    Justin_Rice Well-Known Member

    Wait - you just said ...

    So what specifically did they give him?

    So you thought - without a veto proof majority and without even a super majority in the Senate to avoid a filibuster - the Republicans were going to somehow slip a piece of legislation past the President to kill Obamacare? How did you expect that to work? Blackmail?
  5. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    Much like DW and guns, I've come to begrudgingly accept that the baby killers have won.
  6. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    Fight harder for what you (say) you believe in.
  7. Justin_Rice

    Justin_Rice Well-Known Member

    So platitudes. The Republican Congress didn't give you nearly enough platitudes. ... which is what Obama wanted - fewer Republican platitudes.

    Apparently that's all you've got to list.
  8. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Story didn't mention Trump as far as I could see. Big vote coming up regarding continued UK presence in the EU that has everyone's knickers in a knot.
  9. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    I just listed the annual budgets and Obamacare. That last post was in response to your "What could the GOP do?" nonsense. There's a legislative branch for a reason.

    Pay attention. I taught you everything you know.
  10. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that was a bit of trolling by the original poster - and why I deleted it.

    There are some reports the attacker yelled "Britain First!"
  11. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    I didn't know Islamic extremists supported gay marriage and were pro-choice and pro-women's rights.
  12. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Must have caught it before the deletion Inky. And that phrase is in the story I linked. Would merit a topic if we had a UK division beyond Poin Files info.

    Made for a bit od silliness on the water yesterday too.
    EU Rivals' Boats Square Up On The Thames
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