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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I don't think Wall Street has to worry.

    Warren is way to popular and too independent for Hillary to pick her.
  2. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    He's being sarcastic, but am I wrong?

    When she's involved in politics, and has to present herself to the voters, her favorability numbers tank:

  3. BDC99

    BDC99 Well-Known Member

    Well, I will concede the point, but we'll see where Trump comes in. I have said many times I am not a fan, but the performance of Trump was my original point.
  4. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    I love that story about Warren enlightening Herself on that bankruptcy legislation with a lecture that even my mid-range MBA students would find patronizing. I can imagine Herself chuckling, thinking, "Hon, you just think you know finance. Let me tell you how I made a fortune shorting a bull market ..."
    Lugnuts and Mr. Sunshine like this.
  5. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

  6. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Well, that was an astonishingly dumb piece of video. Unnamed Wall St. donor threatens HRC not to select someone she was never going to select.
    YankeeFan likes this.
  7. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    And yet, one senses the worst is yet to come.
  8. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    Like they did from 2001 - 2009 when she was in the Senate? If anything, the numbers you present show her favorability numbers go down during campaigns when opponents are attacking her.
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I suppose she ran for re-election in 2006, but she was presenting herself to New Yorkers, not the nation.

    She had little opposition. (I dare you. You're a New Yorker, who was her opponent for re-election.) She famously "listened" in 2000, as opposed to talked.

    When Hillary has to actively campaign, and take questions, people see how phony she is (to quote Ben Rhodes).
  10. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I almost said Rudy Giuliani, but he collapsed and fell apart running against her before her first term. Nobody of any importance was stupid enough to run against her in her second term because she was extremely popular. She won by 36 freaking points
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  11. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    A couple of houses behind and down from me....

    Lives a crazy wingnut.

    A few years ago, he crazied himself right out of a job and started organizing Tea Party rallies.

    I know this because I follow his internet rants. I have to.

    I have 2 kids who play outside and need to be aware of what's around me.

    The cops have been called to his house multiple times because he's sent threatening, wingnut-ish e-mails to the mayor, the town attorney and the Bank of America branch that borders his property, among others.

    To say he hates Obama would be an understatement.

    He's spent the last 10 years posting all over the internet, to anyone who would listen, birther theories, Sandy Hook/NRA-type truther theories, rants against abortion.... and on and on.

    He lives at home alone with his dog. Who knows what kind of stockpile he's sitting on. All the neighbors are on alert. Town officials staff Zoning Board Meetings with uniformed officers because of this guy.

    So I went online the other day to catch up on his most recent posts, just to keep tabs on what he's up to.

    I found 2 things:

    1. A YouTube video in which a police officer visited his home, wearing a body camera, and told him to stop sending the Bank of America branch e-mails.... and...

    2. Two posts in which he states he's voting for Hillary.

    That's right, ladies and gentleman.

    The craziest, most conservative GOP wingnut I've ever known of in my entire life....

    Can't bring himself to vote for Trump.
    HC, Ace, Inky_Wretch and 4 others like this.
  12. BDC99

    BDC99 Well-Known Member

    How is o_t doing?
    HC, Ace, Spartan Squad and 4 others like this.
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