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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    OK. What's your point? You'd think the Party of Values could find a candidate that fits their Christian American Family Values mold. Instead, they found a racist whose model wife has paraded her tits around the world. If Melanie doesn't want to be in the spotlight, she should get off the stage and tell her husband to shut his mouth about the other spouse whose not running for president. But, I'm sure the fact that the Clintons have faced the struggle of infidelity and survived for nearly 50 years really hits Third Wife where it counts.
  2. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    Starman thinks you're rambling.
  3. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member

    Good for starman.
  4. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    So many things about the way Trump reacted to Khan's speech bug me, but I actually do think it has a chance to be an important moment in U.S. history. It represented everything that real patriotism is. It's not some fucking flag pin, it's the notion that if you fall in love with the promise our country, our Constitution, to the point that you will die on its behalf, and if you believe in that promise so deeply that it becomes part of who you are, we will not turn you away, not matter what color you are, what religion you practice, or what country you came from. It may take time, we may want to vet you (which is why it takes two years), but we will be open to you to becoming an American. And in turn, you may be asked to sacrifice for the greater good of us.

    A more mature man would have said simply: I deeply appreciate Mr. and Mrs. Khan's sacrifice. I felt their grief and was deeply moved by the story of their son. He is truly a hero, the kind of solider, and Muslim, who best represents the American promise. I'm running because I want to want to protect this country too, and I hope to change their opinion of me.

    But he couldn't do that. Watch how GWB responded to a question about Cindy Sheehan, who said fair worse things about him than Khan did about Donald Trump. Obviously I disagree with Bush on policy and don't think he was a good president, but I never doubted he was an actual human being. This is what president's do, they don't insult people who have given their lives for our country to score upvotes on Reddit, or get atta boys on Brietbart.

  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    They actually didn't even do that. They kept their offices and practiced in Philly, then went to College Park for the games. They were hoping that they'd be able to either eventually come back to Philly, or actually play in Baltimore.

    Stars players said they felt like they never had a home game, which was why their record wasn't that dominant that year, even though they won the title again.
  6. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Tomorrow could be a great day. If Team Dumpf goes on all the Sunday news shows, and as is his wont, doubles down with attacks on the Khan family, this might be his true Hindenburg moment that takes him down for good.
  7. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    I get where you're coming from, but she's appeared scantily clad in the SI Swimsuit Issue, GQ, Vogue, etc., and not just at age 20. She's comfortable with her looks (as she should be) and has been employed because of them.

    And - unlike a candidate's child who has no choice in entering public life, for instance - a potential first lady speaking in front of millions of American voters at a national convention makes her a part of the game.

    I'm agree with not shaming spouses of Presidents or Presidential candidates, particularly with regard to the kind of superficial commentary we often see. Do you think anyone in the Republican party wants to call for detente on the subject of candidates' spouses? I'm sure Michelle and Bill would appreciate that sort of consideration.
  8. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    I've been racking my brain and can't think of one single way in which a perspective first lady's tits are relevant to this country's choosing a leader.

    Different rules apply to Bill. For reasons I would think are obvious.
    Hokie_pokie and Lugnuts like this.
  9. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I kinda went back and forth between the Generals and the Stars. I do still remember this game, one of the best comebacks I've ever seen.

    USFL Game Report - USFL (United States Football League)
  10. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    I think the beef you should have is more with the hypocritical evangelical leaders who would relentlessly attack a liberal candidate's wife about this kind of thing, but will certainly be silent in this instance. As I've said many times, I think Trump is a vile and horrible person, but that doesn't mean Melania should be judged because of it. (Her comments how the GQ reporter who wrote about her deserved what she got when she was attacked by antisemites is the only thing she's done I think is remotely awful.) Frankly, I think it's a little unfair to try and tie everything Bill did to Hillary, especially legislation she didn't construct and likely didn't offer much (if any) consultation on.

    If Michelle Obama had posed for nude photos at age 20 as a way to pay the rent, and they'd been released at this point in the campaign in 2012, I think liberals would go nuclear. They'd be so furious. Or, let's say Chelsea did it, and those photos came out. Can you even imagine the reaction? Giving that sleezy French photographer consent to shoot those photos 20 years ago does not mean she was consenting to have them on the cover of the New York Post 20 years later. I very much doubt she had any kind of real agency representing her, which is why this guy had the rights to reproduce them and sell them to the Post. Maybe she doesn't care, but maybe she was exploited and wishes she'd never taken them.

    I just think the whole thing is shitty. We have enough awful in this campaign without slut-shaming.
    Hokie_pokie and JackReacher like this.
  11. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Enough Kumbayah singing.

    By Any Means Necessary.
    Double Down likes this.
  12. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    I think you're really overthinking how horrified she may or may not be at having these nude photos become "public." She's a model. She's been doing this for more than 20 years. I don't think she's ashamed of this in any way.

    If these photos were the only ones of their kind, you might have a point. Like maybe she did them to pay rent or tuition or whatever. But she. Was. A. Model. A beautiful model (and still is). GQ. Vogue. SI Swimsuit. This is not a woman ashamed of her body.

    I agree with you, the whole thing is shitty, from the perspective of the Post using the photos to sell papers. But the rest of your post is pretty nonsensical, including the assumption that the photographer is sleazy or that a model who consents to nude photography does not consent to having her photo distributed publicly 20 years later, or that she probably didn't have a real agency which is why this guy had rights to the photos.
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