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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    They matter more than ever.

    But we live a postmodern world. People have such a vicious dislike and distrust for authority - especially intellectual authority - that the baby is tossed out with the bathwater and we're left grabbing onto whatever emotional appeal fits our given life circumstances.

    I mean, I can write the words "you're wrong," prove it, and then get back a proverbial "well actually, I was wrong about the details on purpose, but I'm right about everything else, because here's some cliches, and a bromide or two." And so on and so on. People repackage being wrong as "well, I did it on purpose."

    I don't know what happened. Something in our culture did this. It's just an endless stream of pride and refusing to budge. It's as bad among the Sanders voters as I've seen.
    Donny in his element and Lugnuts like this.
  2. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    It isn't new.
  3. JohnHammond

    JohnHammond Well-Known Member

  4. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    The amount of pride people take in embracing ignorance is new. Particularly since information is so easily accessible.
  5. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    Not so sure the numbers are any different in that respect. It's just that every yahoo with access to a computer feels the need to tell you what's up.
  6. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Europe pre-Restoration?
  7. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Makes sense.

  8. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Never forget that a sitting president (Adams) had other Federalists spread rumors that Jefferson had died so it would seem like he was the only candidate in the 1800 election, that if Jefferson was elected, murder, robbery, rape and incest would be taught in schools, and that Jefferson was the "half-breed of a squaw and a Virginian mulatto."
    HanSenSE, RickStain and YankeeFan like this.
  9. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    Incorrect information is even more easily accessible. Ay, there's the rub.

    Face it, you've got a bunch of laymen (present sj.com company included) trying to discuss complex Iranian-American deals, climate change, workloads of university professors, the origins of ISIS, the effects of the auto bailout and when exactly this country's economic system is going to collapse and send everyone to the street corners selling apples (Hi, Ragu!), among dozens of other topics.

    And any "information" to back any side of any of these discussions is available at the click of a mouse.
  10. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member

    We could be in for an interesting lame-duck session. Ryan/McConnell will need to figure out whether to stay butthurt and protect their 2014 election positions, or if they want to get some stuff in under the gun that Obama might be willing to deal on.

    I think they move on Garland since the Dems are likely to take the Senate and it's purely a Senate vote. I don't know that they push the TPP. And with the debt ceiling deal set to expire next March, they might want to renegotiate it before all the Democrats show up.
  11. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

  12. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    old_tony likes this.
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