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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    I've called her the female Trump several times on this thread, and I stand by that.
    I will give her credit for being far more experienced in government than Trump, but she's shown that that just means she knows how to more efficiently rip off taxpayers and donors by peddling influence, possibly some outright bribery, and any number of shady dealings that have made her and Bill insanely wealthy on a lifetime's worth of modest politician's salaries.
    You talk about Trump not handling money well because of his bankruptcy? How about Hillary claiming the Clintons were "broke" when they left the White House. How the hell do you go broke when you literally have to pay no personal bills for eight years?

    Besides her shady financial dealings, practically everything she's ever done in government has some sort of scandal attached to it. Yes, some of it is a Republican witch hunt. No doubt about that. But there is also enough that's piled up over the years to make you at least go "Hmmmm..."
    She stinks like a roadkill skunk on a 100-degree day.

    Her public persona is phony to an almost comical level. Every speech she gives sounds stilted and rehearsed. She does not do well when she has to face live fire interviewers, which is why every public appearance she has is managed to within a microsecond and she rarely takes anything more than pre-approved softball questions. If she's had an original thought in the last 20 years, or at least one that hasn't been filtered through two dozen focus groups before it escapes her lips, I'd be shocked.
    I know this describes a lot of politicians, probably most of them, but it really shines through with Hillary. She is a terrible public speaker. Amazingly, when she tries to be folksy and genuine is when it's worst. She's like when you were a kid and your parents tried to be cool by doing a half-assed rap routine or using slang. It's not funny, it's not endearing. It's just awkward and painful and shows how out of touch she is with American culture.
    I firmly believe it should be required of every politician in this country to be able to walk into a busy McDonald's and place their lunch order in 30 seconds or less without holding up the line. If you can't order lunch at McDonald's, you probably have no clue how American society truly operates. I have little faith that Hillary could pass the McDonald's test.

    She shamelessly plays the gender card. She wants to be seen as a strong woman, which is fine, but then when anyone criticizes her on anything it takes her about 3 seconds to claim it's because she's a woman and they're "afraid" of having a woman for a leader.
    Not to mention her campaign theme often boils down to, "Vote for Hillary because she's a woman and you're a misogynistic asshole if you don't."
    Need I go on?
    She. Is. Slimy.
    On every level.
    Forget holding your nose and voting for Hillary. You better pour bleach down your nostrils and then take a Level 4 decontamination shower. If she's better than Trump, it's only because drinking Drano is slightly more healthy than having a hydrochloric acid enema.
    SpeedTchr, murphyc and Vombatus like this.
  2. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    ok then
    Vombatus and Riptide like this.
  3. SnarkShark

    SnarkShark Well-Known Member

    You lost me at "female Trump."
    Lugnuts likes this.
  4. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Well, he was trolling for a detailed explanation beyond, "She seems like a bitch and I don't like her."
    I tried to give him one.
  5. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    So, you would vote for Trump over Clinton?

    Why? I'd really like to know what you like, or see as being positive about the possibility of him being president. Because it really could happen. And although I posted before that I've decided I'm definitely not voting for Trump, I could, just maybe, be swayed. (That's how distasteful (unlikeable :)) I'm finding this whole decision and election).

    So, what would be a good, legitimate argument for Trump (other than the one against Clinton)? Seriously, how/why would he possibly be the lesser of the two evils?
  6. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Not once on this thread, I don't think, have I said I support Trump or would vote for him.
    If it's Trump v. Clinton, I'm probably voting Libertarian/Reform/Green Party. Hell, I'm a man. I'm 40. I'll do a write-in vote for myself.
    Or maybe I'll vote for Kodos.
  7. exmediahack

    exmediahack Well-Known Member

    From a political standpoint, I am dreading today.

    The low-information, low-specific voters will carry the day. The people who don't want a serious solution to our issues will coronate American Mussolini to the edge of nomination of a major political party.

    In past years, I've never said, on the air, "make sure to get out and vote today" because if you need a reminder to vote, I'd just rather you stay home. Let the grown ups handle it.

    Today is the day that crowd gets its revenge on the people who really pay attention.
  8. Vombatus

    Vombatus Well-Known Member

    There are people who think he will be able to shake things up and get things done, instead of eight more years of gridlock.

    I don't know, but there is a good chance that we'll find out.
  9. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Congrats, Batman. You've described a politician. If you want a former president who had to scrape by, I think you have to go back to Ulysses S. Grant.

    And if you want a president free from hints of scandal and unswayed by monetary influence, you can cast a write-in vote for Jimmy Carter.
  10. JohnHammond

    JohnHammond Well-Known Member

  11. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Might as well go back to Confederate flags at every track.
  12. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    So, at best, Hillary Clinton is no more or less likable than any other politician. And politicians are perhaps the most universally reviled group of people in America.

    Very inspirational.
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