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Tucker Carlson...how in the heck did this guy happen?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Alma, Jul 2, 2020.

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  1. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    Oh no, I am possibly going to move into one. Lived in one at 2 other stages in my life, I should probably watch that.
  2. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    I think trump being president gave him his second act.
  3. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member


    but we pretend MSNBC is the Mao Tse Tung Hour, and that the right is the center.

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2020
  4. lakefront

    lakefront Well-Known Member

    Well, back to Realtor.com.
  5. Mngwa

    Mngwa Well-Known Member

    Tucker rose because the Trump years have given racism an open door in American society, and he embraced that. As I said before I don't watch him, I won't watch him, but most of the clips I see he is saying the absolute most racist things that 5 years ago no one would have dreamed of saying out loud.
  6. Scout

    Scout Well-Known Member

    They are perfectly fine if you buy a good one and own the land it goes on.
    lakefront likes this.
  7. DanielSimpsonDay

    DanielSimpsonDay Well-Known Member

  8. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I haven't seen this on here, but Carlson has been bleeding advertisers over the last month because of his rhetoric. At some point, is that going to matter to Fox News?

    FWIW, you need to put his huge ratings into context. 4.3 million people is a huge TV audience, but it's also a tiny fraction of the overall population. It's completely conceivable that he attracts a large TV audience that represents only, say 20 percent of the overall voting population. ... and that say 80 percent of people, if they ever heard him, would think, "What a racist douchebag."

    It's clear, from things I have read, that Stephen Miller, or whoever else is writing Trump's speeches, is either taking their cues from Carlson's nightly monologue, or maybe even Carlson is writing the speeches for them. There have been reports that he may be sort of shadow advising Trump. If that is the case, though, I highly suspect that it's a message that is tailored to a small, lowest common denominator audience, and that turns off just about everyone else in the country.
    HanSenSE likes this.
  9. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    I watch very little of each channel, but you believe this...why?

    In the print/online universe, the NYT is indisputably, remarkably left on many stories.
    Liut likes this.
  10. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    We've been through this. Many times.

    To the 'left' of what? You?
    2muchcoffeeman likes this.
  11. Scout

    Scout Well-Known Member

    Show thy work.
  12. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    Why do you believe no one on MSNBC is as far left as folks on Fox News are to the right?
    Liut likes this.
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