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Tucson cable system shows porn during Super Bowl

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by markvid, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Shit, he could have hit one up the gap with that schwing.
  2. CM Punk

    CM Punk Guest

  3. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member

    This is just stupid:

    From: http://www.azstarnet.com/metro/278556

    "Was it good for you baby?"

    "No? Not your kind of thing and you're offended?"

    "Okay, here's ten bucks and we'll call it good."

    "Get over it."
  4. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Was anyone fired?
  5. markvid

    markvid Guest

    Fired? From the sounds of the articles, firing will be the least of their problems when they find out who did it.
    Comcast wants criminal charges.
  6. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    "Can I put my $10 credit toward next month's PPV porn?"
  7. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    I'm sure that later in the clip he did indeed put one up the gap (or chasm as the case may be).
  8. MU_was_not_so_hard

    MU_was_not_so_hard Active Member

    Best part of the story (Cut and pasted verbatim):

    "In light of the incident, Comcast says it will issue a $10 credit to any customers who say they viewed the 30-second clip, which featured full male nudity. (SEE BOX)"

    So people in Tucson had to see a dong, now they get to see a box. Awesome.
  9. ScribePharisee

    ScribePharisee New Member

    It was a prophetic message: Cardinals fans, you're fixing to get hosed.
  10. Gomer

    Gomer Active Member

    Sorry, but if my Super Bowl's going to be interrupted by porn, I don't want it to be male nudity. Unless I'm gay, in which case sure. But I'm not. I'd much prefer to (SEE BOX).
  11. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

    Oh, it was the "perfect situation," all right.
  12. forever_town

    forever_town Well-Known Member

    Dude, I wouldn't want my Super Bowl interrupted by male nudity.

    Wonder who else is getting a rise out of this?
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