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Two Thousand Six Hundred & Ninety-Three to Zero

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by heyabbott, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Excellent post, Bubs, and another reminder of this history major's all-time favorite quote:

    "Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it."
  2. OnTheRiver

    OnTheRiver Active Member

    Having the blood of Vietnam on your hands would be sufficient motivation to try and prevent it from ever happening again, I'd think.
  3. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    You know, you should get other talking points other than the ludicrous right wing blather about "hypocrisy".

    You don't want to admit that Bush screwed the pooch in Iraq, so you talk about "you people" and "you guys" being hypocritical because a Democratic President fucked up in a war forty years ago.

    Not only is it irrelevant to the discussion at hand, it is intellectually shallow and demonstrates, once again, that you have NOTHING left in the argument pool

    Newt Gingrich? No one gives a damn about him. It's the Republicans who wasted millions of dollars and diverted attention from the real problems facing America over a fucking blow job.

    And please, spare me --for the last time--this bullshit about Al Gore being hypocritical about global warming because he flies in a private jet and owns two homes. Classic right wing manoevure. When bankrupt of ideas, attack the person over silly irrelevancies rather than discussing the topic at hand.

    Bubbler is right. Keep repeating the big lie over and over again and pretty soon the majority will think it's the truth.
  4. PaseanaARG

    PaseanaARG Guest

    It's shit like this that makes me completely disinterested in politics.

    My guy dog tells me that it's important to follow current events, political goings-on, but they often make me sullen and regretful. Then I see y'all and you're that way, too. I don't know what to do.

    Anyway ...

    Passy's thoughts:
    Afghanistan = good idea
    Iraq = bad idea
    Hugo Chavez = entertaining
    W = not a liar per se, but really screwed us with the Iraq stuff
    oil = Who said anything about oil? You cookin, bitch?
  5. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Not to take anything away from Bubbler, but The Big Lie is Chapter 1 of the Joesph Goebbels playbook, with a forward by Lee Atwater
  6. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Thank god for Nixon ;), it took a Republican to fix Vietnam
  7. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    and an afterword by the current Pillsbury Doughboy . . .
  8. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Karl Rove couldn't carry Lee Atwater's white sheets
  9. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Funny, but your contention is that I can't answer Iraq with Vietnam, because it's not relevant to the current situation.

    But everytime I bring up the worldwide dangers of Islamic terrorism and religious extremism, funny how some of you immediately fire back: "abortion doctors! Timothy McVeigh! The Crusades! Pat Robertson! Jerry Falwell!

    Once again, stunning examples of hypocrisy.
  10. Sgt. Bilco

    Sgt. Bilco New Member

    My cardiologist has cautioned me to avoid needless stresses, and generally, I know that to engage in anonymous arguments is even more than I can bear -- still, I find myself compelled to respond to hondo's post, fraught as it is with what I consider to be utterly specious and silly charges levelled at liberals (which I proudly proclaim myself to be).

    "You people have the gall to rail about Iraq when you've got the blood of Iraq times 20 on your hands from Vietnam"

    First of all, I don't think bitching about Iraq and thinking Vietnam was an equally epic disaster are mutually exclusive. Secondly, nor do I, as a card-carrying lefty, have any problem acknowledging the Democrats' culpability as far as Vietnam is concerned. There's plenty of blood to spread on numerous hands. Still, at the very least, however flawed the Domino Theory might have been, it at least offered something of a justification for involvement in Southeast Asia. Damn, we best get them pinkos or next thing we know, they'll be in Peoria! Bush had no such justification whatsoever before launching us into Iraq--and please don't get me started on the "but this is what the intelligence said" crap; I've read The One-Percent Doctrine (by Pulitzer Prize winner Ron Suskind); I am reading The 9/11 Commission Report and I'm about 50 pages into Fiasco. The consensus is clear: there was absolutely no concrete evidence whatsoever that Hussein posed anything of a threat to anyone outside his own country.

    You have the gall to scream about the marital indiscretions of Newt Gingrich when you've got Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton

    Ridiculous. Most of us on the left couldn't give a rat's ass if Ronald Reagan himself butt-fucked George Herbert Walker Bush in The Oval Office; what we do find so galling is that self-righteous prigs on the right love nothing more than to cast our moral proclivities in a "bad" light when in fact, they are little if any "better" -- Hello, Newt. Paging Rev. Swaggart. I'm sorry, is that you, Jim Bakker? Additionally, I don't know too many Democrats who run around defending Clinton (though I couldn't really give a rat's ass if he butt-fucked Al Gore in The Oval Office and I sure as shit don't care who sucks his dick) and definitely don't hear any of my peers launching into an eloquent soliloquy in defense of Kennedy.

    You have the gall to bitch about the privileged Bush family and rip the Bush twins, for example, when the Kennedy spawn have been involved in much, much worse

    Again, who on the left, exactly, is running around defending the Kennedys?

    You yell and scream that Bush doesn't care about global warming and the environment, when Hollywood elites, Al Gore and the rest of them won't give up their limos, SUVs and private jets on pain of death

    Good freaking christ. Which Hollywood elites, exactly, are actively opposing and censoring science and actively working to defeat things like, oh, yeah, the Kyoto protocols? Look, I'm a lefty, but I'm also a carpenter. I drive a Ford E250, six-cylinder, gets maybe 13-miles-to-the-gallon. However, I don't make a lot of money, so I can't afford to buy a Mercedes/Dodge Sprinter (diesel engine) which gets something on the order of 30 MPG. I'm stuck. Is my situation analogous to "Hollywood elites'" and Al Gore's? Probably not, but first and foremost, we have no idea what other steps they may or may not take in an effort to help the environment and secondly, I think it's a bit silly to assume that a person like Gore could just start to fly coach (however, I'll concede the Hollywood dicks probably could).

    You harp about the rich, elitist republican when you've got the Kennedys, Kerrys, Pelosis, etc who are filthy rich

    Um, hondo? Most of us on the left support things like the Estate Tax. The right, on the other hand ... correct me if I'm wrong but it's the right wing that is so desperate to maintain that privilege for those lucky few. On the other hand, I could introduce you to plenty of very wealthy Democrats who would gladly pay a much higher percentage of their income in taxes; I can't say the same about most wealthy Republicans I know.

    Don't do as I do, do as I say. After all, you guys know exactly what's best for the rest of us poor peons

    I believe the GOP also believes it knows what's best for me: I should pray in school? I'm immoral if I think a woman's right to choose is acceptable? I will rot in hell if I don't think God exists and Jesus died for my sins? I can't go down on my wife or have her suck my dick?

    Screw the lot of you. Hypocrites
    I am a lot of things: an asshole, a father, a husband, a pissed-off lefty, but I can promise you this, I don't think I'm a hypocrite.
  11. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Good post.

    Correct your spelling to BilKo, and we might not even ask you to fetch us a beer.

    Doberman? . . .
  12. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    You won't get that crap from me.
    Until Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq and invaded, Iraq had as much to do with the worldwide dangers of Islamic terrorism and religious extremism as Geroge W Bush has to the New York Review of Books.
    About the only serious rationale for invading Iraq was as a conquoring and occuping American stronghold between Iran and Syria, obvious, known and important centers of Islamic Extremist Terrorism. With a weakened Saddam and no Army, Air Force and WMDs, Iraq was an easy target for Iran to restart the Iran Iraq war. Iranian thinking may have been that with the United States bogged down in Afrganistan, like every other foriegn force since Genghis Khan, America would not be able to intervene. Bush, needing an excuse to postion US forces in the Middle East, to protect the Arabian pennisula and Iraqi oil supply, used a bull shit WMD excuse to enter Iraq. Obviously Rumsfled is a complete idiot and failed to plan for a successful occupation, and Bush a dim bulb, didn't have to brains to inquire about what happens that day after "Mission Accomplished".
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