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UF student Tasered after questioning John Kerry

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Dan Rydell, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. That still doesn't make what happened to him right either.
    If a kid in middle school picks a fight and gets shot because he doesn't know the bully carries a gun, did he get what he deserved?
  2. At the point they shocked him, they had him completely subdued and every cop I know would have been able to wrench his arms around enough to get him handcuffed.
    There were SIX of them and ONE of him.
    How many times have we seen on Cops where the guys didn't simply lay down and offer up their wrists behind their backs? And how many times did they get tasered for it?
    Again, this guy was a threat to no one.
  3. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Zeke, the way the guy was acting and squirming, you're right that six of them should have been able to handle him. Problem is, is there room for six different cops to get in there and all get a good enough grip on something to subdue the guy without getting in each other's way? Probably not, if you're perfectly honest with yourself.

    Now six cops could, I suppose, all pile on him till he can't breathe. And six cops certainly should be able to break one or both of his arms -- and maybe a leg or two, too. If you think the douche would rather have broken limbs or a crushed windpipe instead of having been tasered, you are welcome to that position.

    Based on his actions, the guy was looking to get hurt. The cops delivered the submission method that has by far the shortest effect on the kid. He should thank them.
  4. Rufino

    Rufino Active Member

    And they knew that then how? Would you have known Cho was a threat by looking at him? They needed to get that arm cuffed, and he was determined not to let them. Rather then yelling "Don't tase me, bro!" just let them cuff you and they won't. It's not a hard concept.
  5. Dan Rydell

    Dan Rydell Guest

    OK, Tony, if six cops crowd the scene, have three back off and the other three cuff him.

    That one cop -- the guy that carried him up the aisle -- was big enough to do the job himself.
  6. We're apparently going to have to agree to disagree, because I still can't find any reason for the taser to have ever appeared in that situation.
    And are we really going to look at everyone now as if they are a terrorist? I mean hell, let's just kill anyone who steps outside the lines because they might be the next Bin Laden.
  7. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    I do know this much: If I'm a cop faced with the same situation again and everyone is ready to jump off a bridge over the use of a taser, I break the fucker's arms. And then I expect every one to laud me for not using a taser.

    Edit: Of course, what would happen then in reality is all the anti-taser panty-wastes will say I should have tasered him instead of breaking his arms.
  8. Dan Rydell

    Dan Rydell Guest

    Comparisons to VT make no sense. This wasn't anything like that.

    Along that line, I could call it another Kent State. Who's to say six cops weren't about to draw their guns and shoot the guy to pieces?

    It wasn't anything like Kent State. Or VT.
  9. You ever hear of pressure points? Leverage? Things like that?
    It isn't necessarily one or the other, Tony.
  10. Rufino

    Rufino Active Member

    We can disagree, that's fine. No one's saying kill anyone, by the way. Not sure where that came from here. My point is very simple - if cops are trying to subdue you, don't fight them. It's not hard to grasp.
  11. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Let's review:

    He took the mike after the Q and A session was over.

    Almost from the moment he began speaking, it turned into a loudmouth rant. Then he proclaimed that he had more questions, and some students let out an audible groan at that news.

    At that point, he had clearly become a disruption at an event that, in his own words, had already had Kerry speak "for two hours."

    He then attempted a pointless question about Skull and Bones, and his mike was cut, embarrassed organizers obviously having had enough. He waved his arms, book in hand, giving the police justification. The police then moved in to escort him out, and he began to scream and yell, flailing his arms.

    At that point, he became an unpredictable, possibly dangerous, definitely belligerent, individual according to the way cops judge such things. And the handcuffs had to come out.

    He then continued to resist as multiple cops had him on the ground in the middle of the event. Those rentacops were likely frustrated beyond the point of no return at that point. And it was at that point that something had to be done, with that something being a manual twisting of his arm until it fit in the handcuffs.

    There was nothing justified about the tasering, but considering the events leading up to it, maybe he didn't suffer like he could have. Human nature being what it is, the cops likely would have preferred to beat the living shit out of him.

    I still think those cops should be fired, since there is no justification for a tasering of a suspect whose only threat at that point was his mouth. But the more that comes out about this A-hole, it smells like a male Cowgirl situation.

    Especially if the stories about his behavior away from the cameras is true.

    Wow. . . . it just said 14 new replies while I was typing. Damn.
  12. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Except that pressure points and leverage lead to things like snapping bones. I'm all for it.
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