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UF student Tasered after questioning John Kerry

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Dan Rydell, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I agree with that.
  2. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    I know it when I see it.
    Rodney King -- excessive force.
    Don't tase me bro -- resisting arrest (and guilty of some seriously bad acting).
  3. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure the Potter Stewart approach is the best way to judge police brutality.
  4. Dan Rydell

    Dan Rydell Guest

    Nice work.
  5. IU90

    IU90 Member

    Journalism's premiere macho man tough guy Bill O'Reilly says the guy's "the biggest wimp in America" for screaming ow ow ow because he's been tasered "for a story" and knows it really doesn't hurt that bad.
  6. ATLienCP

    ATLienCP Member

    Bill should show us how little it hurts jackass style.
  7. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Yes, police forces across the country are switching to tasers to subdue criminals, primarly because they really don't hurt that bad.

    I say MachO'Reilly should do an auction. Who will pay the most to taser him in the nads?
  8. Dangerous_K

    Dangerous_K Active Member

    Let's taser Golden Shower and see how he fares.
  9. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    How much coin does Olbermann have laying around?
  10. markvid

    markvid Guest

    For some reason, now I might be coming around to the drama queen's side.
  11. JackyJackBN

    JackyJackBN Guest

    Side, hand, nobody has it here. A fuster cluck.
  12. markvid

    markvid Guest

    Sorry, once I hear O'Reilly weighs in, I take the other side.
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