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UFC results

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Seabasket, Dec 30, 2006.

  1. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    I think he was suggesting that DyePack is the troll, and that perhaps you weren't recognizing that fact. I don't think he was calling you one.
  2. pallister

    pallister Guest

    Got ya.
  3. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member


    troll. :)
  4. GimpyScribe

    GimpyScribe Member

    You threw it back in my face? When? I don't remember that. I remember you writing that stupid skit where you belittled my point and made it seem like you had an army of defenders on this thread while I was the lone voice of dissent.
    If you remember correctly, I called ONE of your responses "weak." I didn't (and still don't) understand your comparison of MMA to porn and electronics. It's comparing apples to oranges.
    And, I had asked you to follow up on your statement that MMA needs to prove its built for the masses and I asked you to explain what you meant. How are football, baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, tennis and golf built for the masses? I'm still waiting for you to answer that.
    And, I hope you weren't comparing me to a troll in that statement. Just because someone offers a differing view or doesn't feel the need to comment on every thread just to boost his/her numbers or let their voice be heard, doesn't make them a troll.
  5. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Boy, some of you need Cliff Notes on this.

    DyePack is the troll.

    I wish I had photos to illustrate my point, but sadly...
  6. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    This thread has become so much more taxing than it should have. And frankly, I've explained the porn comparison twice now. There's no other way to put it, so I'm not even going to try. I'm sorry you still don't understand. As for the "army of defenders" bit, I was talking about people in the world, not people on this board. There still aren't enough people interested in MMA for it to deserve coverage like what you're asking for. At least not yet. And I don't have to prove how the other sports are built for the masses. They've proven it over the last 100 years. I don't know what statement you're reading that makes you think I called you a troll, but that wasn't my aim. But you should read your last sentence again, and think about how you've looked at me on this thread.
  7. GimpyScribe

    GimpyScribe Member

    Bottom line, I actually think we agree more than first thought.
    I've never said MMA should receive front-page/display/above-the-fold coverage. My argument is that, when there's an event, maybe a small story inside, much like most papers do with boxing nowadays. Hell, I even think the stories should be smaller (like in the 8-10 inch range). You're right, it's not established enough yet to earn a permanent (or prominent) spot in the section. But, I think that there's enough of a growing audience that there should be SOME presence. That's all.

    And, sorry for thinking you called me a troll. There's a few people who've earned that tag that I do not wanna be associated with. ;)
  8. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    Word man, I'm sorry it got out of hand. And we probably are closer than it first seemed. I just think MMA's probably a year or so away from deserving a regular presence. Get it off of Spike, and more than just highlights and knockouts on Fox, and then we're talking. I certainly respect the sport a lot more than boxing nowadays, and it's certainly on the upswing.

    And yeah, I don't blame you. The trolls on SportsJournalists.com are an inherently unfun group to hang out with.
  9. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    Back on UFC, can't wait to see Rampage and CroCop make their debuts. Can't wait to see Rampage-Liddell II.
  10. GimpyScribe

    GimpyScribe Member

    I'm with you, Rok. Jackson-Liddell II is a legit big-money match. I've seen their first match several times and those shots Liddell took to the body while he was on the ground were brutal to watch. Hopefully it happens soon because, while Liddell is in his prime, he's still 37 and the wall HAS to be approaching soon, doesn't it?

    As for Cro Cop, can't wait. Finally there appears to be some talent in the heavyweight division to take the belt off Sylvia (who has been fortunate in his two wins over Arlovski - one a flash knockdown that allowed him to pounce and the other, Arlovski blew out his knee and he couldn't fight the ground game he should've fought).
    Hopefully, Brandon Vera keeps improving (or hasn't bolted to another organization).
  11. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    You know, you would think so, but Iceman just keeps going. Really amazing. I think he had a busted rib in the first fight, too. But Rampage matches up well with him, and he can take some of his shots, so we'll see how this plays out. I can't wait to see it.

    Yeah, Vera sure did look good against Mir, didn't he? Wow. I like Arlovski a lot, hope he comes back strong and I'm sure he will. I give Sylvia credit, he's a tough bitch. He's not my favorite fighter, but he's a tough guy. Most of what he does is from sheer height and reach, but it works.

    I love CroCop, can't wait to see him in UFC. I think he'll dominate, as long as he can deal with guys like Sylvia's freakish size.

    Man, I'm as pumped for UFC as I've been in a long, long time. These two signings really boost their stock. Can't wait until these two guys are in action.
  12. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    Ok little bro called me to tell me about this thread and I LOVE MMA.

    I can't get too sucked into this as I have to do my McGwire video but I had to say something about all this.

    background - wrestled for 9 years and did judo - national class in both. Lots of martial arts (Ninjitsu, Judo, Aikido, TKD, boxing) - I have followed MMA close and have been asked by several schools that feed the UFC & Pride to come train and possibly compete. So, while I am not as knowledgeable as someone actually fighting I know a lot more than average fan.

    Also I am real real strong as you can see here:

    Here are my overall thoughts:

    1.) PRIDE is WAAAAY better and more competitive than UFC. I have little to no fear of anyone in UFC at 205 save Chuck, Tito, and now Rampage - NOT the case with Pride so many guys could wreck you/me.

    (caveat, this confidence could also be a bit off as it has been a while since I have been in the ring and can't really say where I am at now - but I have to go off of what I know now).

    Now this could all change as UFC is getting lots of $ and may attract better fighters but the counter to that is PRide is hitting the states and is booming due to Fox Sports deal & other orgs are starting up as well.

    2.) MMA is CERTAINLY a sport. Probably one of the toughest around when done right.

    3.) However, MMA (and MOST DEFINATELY UFC) are still promotions at the end of the day.

    4.) I am "concerned" with some of what I have seen recently with the UFC (strange (fixed?) decisions, early stoppages, lame matchups, etc.) most concerning - I have heard from many "inside guys" that there has been a request (err mandate) from the top that guys don't grapple and put on exciting fights by standing up (ala Griffen- Bonnar 1 that put the UFC over with fans on Spike TV). This makes the bouts s@@@.

    Look, no MMA fighter (well almost none) is going to be anywhere near as good a stirker as a boxer or KB guy - that is not what MMA is its the guy with the best well rounded skills who is in shape & durable and can execute and transition well. Or to put another way almost all REAL fights go to the ground.

    5.) Chuck is well past his prime, but I give him props for winning

    6.) I do not belive this BS of no one can take Chuck down due to his "awesome sprall." Garbage, that guy can hit hard and is accurate but he never comes in in shape and just punches - thats it - rarely an occasional kick. How hard is it to close the distance and tie him up - REAL EASY. Then wear him out and ground and pound or whatever. Worked like a charm with Randy v. Chuck 1. Yet we never saw that again - why? Why did Randy take him down so easy again in Randy V Chuck 3 and then just let him up...WTF? I mean if people only get in trouble when they trade with Chuck - why do they all stand in front of him. Could it have anything to do with someone telling them to do that to be marketable and get the big fights and make $$? I think it does.

    7.) To that end why do Pride fights - with better fighters and better strikers look so different than UFC fights now or what UFC fights used to look like? Easy answer.
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