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UFC results

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Seabasket, Dec 30, 2006.

  1. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    How many papers cover the America's Cup? Or the MLS? Or the World Series of Poker?

    I was off over the weekend, did the AP move any copy on the fights?
  2. jay_christley

    jay_christley Member

    No, but they just moved an excellent 14-inch, second-lede writethru on the Chennai Open from Madras, India.
    Just pointing out that AP may not be the end-all, be-all arbitrator of news coverage.
  3. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    I freely admit that. But without AP coverage, the majority of newspapers in America won't have UFC/MMA coverage.
  4. This, of course, would be as opposed to your role on the board, which seems to involve insulting and belittling everyone that disagrees with you, then feigning indignance and jumping on a moral high horse whenever anyone dares return fire.
  5. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    I didn't see any results move over the agate wire, but then boxing never does anymore either.
  6. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    Really glad Forrest Griffin lost.
  7. jay_christley

    jay_christley Member

    And then, in a classic moment, told Joe Rogan that he "just got knocked the F' out" and stormed off. Only to have to storm back past Rogan when he realized the door out was the other way.
  8. GimpyScribe

    GimpyScribe Member

    I keep waiting for Rogan to ask one of the losing fighters: "Was fear a factor for you?"
  9. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    Cry, Forrest, cry. Ha ha.

    He and Bonnar just annoy the hell out of me. But I give them both respect for doing the sport. They'd both kick my ass in 2 seconds.

    By the way, Gimpy (I think it's been you), I agree with your take on the UFC and all MMA: It's seriously on the rise, and I don't think there's any stopping its soaring popularity.

    As you've pointed out, more outlets are covering it now, and I think that number is only going to increase.

    It is a brutal sport, there's no question about that. And it's not for everyone. But neither is boxing.

    The point is, since its first few years of 400 lb wanna-be toughmen contestants, it has really become a legitimate competition. These guys are all (or almost all) superior athletes, and there is a tremendous amount of skill involved in most of these contests.

    I personally prefer Pride Fighting Championship to UFC, but I'll watch either one.

    MMA is just like any other sport in its infancy: It needs to keep working to improve its rules, its safety concerns, etc. Of course the safety issue can be resolved only so far in such a brutal sport.

    But to anyone who thinks MMA is just a bunch of juiced-up WWE castoffs, you're crazy. As has been mentioned, a number of these guys are world-class wrestlers who just want a chance to keep training and make some $$$. These guys are legit, and the ones who aren't wrestlers are almost always highly skilled martial artists, very highly skilled, with years and years of training.

    Like I said, UFC started out as a couple of legitimately good martial artists (Gracie, Shamrock, ...) and a lot of fat, pathetic losers. But those days are gone. You have to be good now to compete. You look at the guy who is the current middleweight (I think) champion, George St. Pierre, that guy is a superior athlete, who does backflips when he wins.

    I like it. There's a part of me that feels guilty about liking it - just like boxing - but I like it a lot.
  10. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    pallister ... Bruce ... do you two need a primer course on trolls?
  11. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    How's that? because when GimpyScribe called my argument "weak" instead of actually reading and responding to it, I threw it back in his face? Spare me. And the only people I "insult and belittle" on this board are the trolls who bring it on themselves. I don't have a problem with someone disagreeing with me here, as long as they can rationally discuss it and not resort to name-calling or condescension. But hey, thanks for the random, two-days-later swipe.
  12. pallister

    pallister Guest


    I type one sentence on this entire thread and I'm a troll?
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