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Ukraine Always Get What You Want

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by TigerVols, Feb 12, 2022.

  1. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    One of the things he said was what I was guessing.

    Neutral Corner likes this.
  2. Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge Well-Known Member

    Update: It looks like Ukraine's objective was to take control of rail lines.

  3. Justin_Rice

    Justin_Rice Well-Known Member

    Now this is interesting ... My image is the best I can find online of the Russian rail network. Russian/Soviet military logistic doctrine has always been heavily dependent on rail lines. Cutting that particular line would threaten an offensive towards Kharkov.

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2024
  4. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Why play Risk when there’s Ticket to Ride?
    maumann and Batman like this.
  5. Justin_Rice

    Justin_Rice Well-Known Member

    For the record: Ticket to Ride is a much, much, much better game than Risk ;)
    2muchcoffeeman, maumann and dixiehack like this.
  6. Neutral Corner

    Neutral Corner Well-Known Member

    When Sweden starts donating lethal aid, you *know* they're serious. They've become a serious partner to Ukraine, from money, to electrical systems to repair their grid, to APCs and 155 artillery shells and AMRAAM missiles for their air defense systems.. They even donated their only two AWACS type airborne command and control planes.

    Good for them! Welcome to NATO. They're also getting their arms budget over the 2% of GNP benchmark, and will be replacing the donated materiel with new systems.

    Driftwood likes this.
  7. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    Apparently the Ukrainians hit a Russian column of trucks and killed 400 of 'em.
  8. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Trucks or Russians?
  9. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    Russians in trucks!
    maumann and 2muchcoffeeman like this.
  10. maumann

    maumann Well-Known Member

    Without context, that sounds like a really bad cocaine-fueled Brian Z. France idea shot down at a January ISC shareholders meeting in Daytona Beach.
  11. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

  12. Driftwood

    Driftwood Well-Known Member

    But in the old days if they made it to Charlotte, Humpy would have the Army land helicopters and take them out.
    2muchcoffeeman and maumann like this.
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