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(Updated) Chris Henry dies after fall

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Public School, Dec 16, 2009.

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  1. Pancamo

    Pancamo Active Member

    ESPN tried to make Sean Taylor out to be a saint? The media basically said it inevitable because of his past and in reality he was killed during a B&E.
  2. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    That's the way I remember it. I was covering the NFL at the time and some of the tributes almost seemed to be Tillmanesque.

    I remember being at a game and a fellow writer turned to me during a moment of silence and said, "Wasn't this guy supposed to be a colossal thug?"

    That's not to say either deserved to die. I just hope the coverage is "Wow, it's tragic to lose someone so you and so unexpectedly." and leave it at that.
  3. Care Bear

    Care Bear Guest

    Sean Taylor died defending his girlfriend and baby from an intruder. Chris Henry apparently jumped on a truck while chasing after his girlfriend during a "dispute." It's a little different. One was more deserving of a tribute. Both are tragic.
  4. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

  5. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    I think Sean Taylor "thug" stories were a bit over the top. Far from a saint but far from a thug. A couple of stupid and regrettable incidents that didn't do his rep any good, sure. I also heard through a number of people I know and trust that he had indeed turned things around. I never heard anyone call him a saint.

    Didn't know Henry, don't really know anything about him. I do know I saw him play in college and he was one serious talent.
  6. I will. Fuck Chris Henry. Who's really surprised this is how he goes out? Who cares if he's "turned his life around?" Convicted murderers and rapists turn their lives around all the time. He really hasn't turned it around that much if a horrible decision, the last and final of many years of horrible decisions, not only cashes him in but leaves his "bay bayz" without a father.

    Fuck him. I hope he rots in hell.
  7. Come on. The guy was 26 years old. I know I'm a far more responsible person now than I was when I was 26.
  8. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Remember when you said "who cares?" That was cool.
  9. Did that include multiple gun and aggravated assault charges? Not like he got busted with dope a couple times.
  10. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Aggravated assault means that someone was aggravating him. I got no problem with that.
  11. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Dear lord, now 26 isn't old enough to be a reasonably responsible human being? How far to do up do we have to set the bar?
  12. Isn't there a big continuum between "Not Likely to Be Elected United States Senator Some Day" and "Worthless Now, Worthless in the Future, Deserves to Die at Age 26."
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