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Updated thread - What TV commercial gets on your nerves?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Yawn, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. YMCA B-Baller

    YMCA B-Baller Well-Known Member

    The casino ad where Ryan Secrest is crouched behind a gigantic check looking like he's Kermit The Frog on the verge of orgasm needs to be hyper-spaced to an event horizon of a black hole and sent to another dimension where a horror of its like is in its proper home.
  2. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

  3. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    I am very, very, very done with the Accenture break dancing commercials that play before every Olympic video on Peacock and in at least half of the spots during them.

    I didn’t like them the first time I saw them. I actively despise them after the 10,000th time.
  4. Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge Well-Known Member

    I need to see that commercial.
  5. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    Few phrases are more jarring for those of us in middle age than “Queen Latifa Novo Nordisk Spokesperson”
  6. justgladtobehere

    justgladtobehere Well-Known Member

    Can that Kevin Hart-Lebron James commercial stop? It's everywhere and not funny.
  7. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    That Pepsi ad that just showed up in the Thursday NFL game needs to be silenced forever.
  8. YMCA B-Baller

    YMCA B-Baller Well-Known Member

    Liberty Mutual commercials have long been the province of galactic suck, but the most recent one, with some sort of Rick Dees-esque asshole with a wax figure of himself is a crime against humanity.

    It's just stupid on every single level. It's not funny. It's a weird flex referentially (wax figure?) and thematically (the whole Disco Stu thing is very early 90s). It's a commercial premise that has been run into the ground well past the Earth's mantle.

    Speaking of various insurance ad tropes, the stupid Geico gekko needs to be buried in the same hole in the ground where they deposit the body of the Buffalo Wild Wings buffalo once it is justifiably whacked. Even the Progressive Don't Become Your Parents Guy is annoying and kind of an asshole, even if the ads themselves are occasionally humorous.

    Edit: Oh and every single USAA ad needs to be banned from the universe. They're dumb (fuck Gronk), exploitive (no one got poor exploiting patriotism), and the company itself is one of the most predatory in what is a horrifically predatory business to begin with.
  9. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    The amount of gambling commercials since the NFL admitted that betting makes its world go round is brutal.

    But the worst are the radio ads for some sports book that are so sped up it sounds like the Micro Machines guy came out of witness protection. It has to be that way because the back half of the commercial contains state-by-state legal disclosures for the various addiction hotlines.
  10. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I think the gambling commercials are also filling a void in the market. Who else is willing to lay out massive cash for commercials at this point? It's gambling, pharma, insurance and beer. I do get a chuckle out of how prevalent gambling advertisement is on podcasts, even on shows that are all about picking games and beating the spread - as if the gambling companies are quite confident that you are not going to beat them, because you aren't.
    justgladtobehere likes this.
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