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Urban Meyer: He gone ... sort of

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Cosmo, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. Blitz

    Blitz Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    Mark Aguirre > Tim Tebow ?
  2. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    If Tim Tebow is the 2nd coming than Rod Strickland is the anti Christ.
  3. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    C'mon boom. We all know Starbury is the anti-Christ.
  4. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    You get no argument from me on that one except no meyer connection
  5. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    Damn, I forgot about Urban's great-uncle Ray.
  6. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    By the way, did Meyer, at any time during this afternoon's news conference, apologize for jerking Florida fans around for 24 hours?
  7. trifectarich

    trifectarich Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    Two days ago, I was rooting for Cincinnati to win its bowl game by a hundred. Now I need to make it a thousand.
  8. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    I'll take the under.
  9. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    If he is sick, then he has every right to step away. I typed that.

    Moddy, there are a shitload of jobs that you cannot just walk away from with two weeks notice and ever expect to be considered a professional in again.

    1. Not Who I Usually Am's lawyer cannot just say fuck it, I am leaving in two weeks
    2. A classroom teacher cannot say fuck I do not feel like teaching anymore in November and then expect to be hired as a teacher ever again
    3. A coach cannot just walk away 2-3 games into to a season.
    4. A principal cannot just walk away from a school two weeks before SOLs.
    5. A contractor building a house cannot just walk away from the job with 4-5 weeks until an occupancy permit.

    There are tons of positions where you are committed to stay for an extended period of time once you accept the job.

    What is interesting, though, is it does seem that once a successful college coach steps down from a position without having another position lined up, he is basically ending his career.

    How many big-time college coaches have been able to walk away gracefully and not have a severely negative impact on the players they are recruiting for the program? Dean Smith comes to mind, but I cannot think of many others.
  10. SockPuppet

    SockPuppet Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    How can a guy at the top of his profession make a decision to quit (an apparently rash decision) then rashly decide to take a leave of absence?

    The Florida team manual says "family and health" comes first. So Meyer wanted his players to follow tenets that he ignored. Hypocritcal? Yes. Oh, yeah, he's a football coach.

    If his family means that much to him, why is he coaching in a meaningless bowl game? Why not say you're suffering from exhaustion and you need to take a week off and be with your family?
  11. Bodie_Broadus

    Bodie_Broadus Active Member

    I still think if you sign a contract, you work for the duration of the contract.
  12. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    That's right! Work 'till it kills you on the sideline!
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