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Urban Meyer: He gone ... sort of

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Cosmo, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    How in hell can you cover that up? I know the medical privacy thing makes it nigh on impossible to get info out of hospitals, but I can't imagine any doctors clearing a coach to go back to a high-stress, high-profile job days after a heart attack. Even if it happened during a bye week.
  2. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    It's entirely possible that he didn't realize he was having a heart attack at the time. Not unheard of.
  3. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    I suppose if the infarction was diagnosed well after the fact, that could well be. I just had this image of his primary care doc having his own heart attack when he sees his patient on the sideline at Baton Rouge 72 hours after being discharged from the hospital.
  4. mb

    mb Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    Guys quit. It happens. Is there something really seriously wrong? Certainly possible. And it's just as likely that the guy decided he either couldn't take anymore or just didn't want to take anymore.

    The guy's been coaching for how long now with health issues? And now that his all-everything QB has graduated, his defensive coordinator has bolted and life looks a little less than peaches and cream in Gainesville he's out.

    Am I wrong? Possibly. And if the guys seriously ailing, I'll wish for the best. But to sit here and ignore all the other coaches who have been tired/burned out/missing their family only to jump right back a year later is foolish.
  5. mb

    mb Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    But then again, maybe we should just take him at his word. I'm sure the folks at Bowling Green and Utah would agree.
  6. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    How can Herbstreit say something like that without sourcing it?
  7. Yodel

    Yodel Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    Wouldn't be the first time. Ask Les Miles.
  8. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    If his ailments aren't "like threatening", and he's actually just tired and wants to spend more time with his family I'll have tons and tons of respect for him. If he is sick, I hope it's not terminal.
  9. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    It's Herbstreit.
  10. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    It's not plausible that he walks away for no reason. The guy could have any of a number of jobs. He's didn't just wake up this morning and decide to quit for nothing.
  11. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    Somehow, I would think that if his health was in that serious a level of danger, he wouldn't be coaching in the bowl game. I would think that he would put his health before bowing out in front of a national TV audience and tens of thousands of adoring Gator fans.

    But, yeah, skepticism's totally out of line here. The guy's never misled anyone on anything before.
  12. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Re: Urban Meyer: He gone

    I'm all for skepticism; let's just have it be skepticism that makes sense.
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