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UVA and the alleged frat rape - Rolling Stone backpedals

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Big Circus, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. PW2

    PW2 Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    What you are describing has as much in common with what Erdely wrote about as a Little Leaguer pitcher has with Clayton Kershaw.
  2. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    I understand, and am extremely sympathetic. I can't begin to imagine the fallout from something like that, and how hard I'm sure your wife has worked to have it not permanently damage her.

    My frustration lies in the fact that asshole rape-deniers will get to use the errors in this piece to fight the change needed, and justice rape victims deserve. As PW pointed out, what's a more common danger women at UVA face? Getting roofied and date-raped by someone they might know, or getting beaten, assaulted, and gang-raped in a dark room by mysterious assailants?

    A well-sourced, tightly-reported story might have the potential to get UVA to eliminate the Greek system entirely. The way this story is already having holes poked in it (more of which, I suspect are sure to come), what I bet we get is some watered down compromise where the frats continue to exist and using roofies on girls continue to happen. And that's fucking awful.
  3. Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    Are you saying the Greek system needs to be eliminated, entirely?
  4. Hokie_pokie

    Hokie_pokie Well-Known Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    Not at all schools, necessarily. But at UVa, absolutely.
  5. franticscribe

    franticscribe Well-Known Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    Is Jezebel ever not pissed at Minding The Campus?
  6. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    This is where I'd agree. Maybe you bring em back in five years.
  7. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    If that would happen, what would be the catalyst for that, DD?
  8. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    This might be the most important fake story ever.
  9. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    As I said before, a tightly-reported story that couldn't be picked apart within a week of publication, much less one that, in the end, might be almost entirely refuted. What led to Penn State's probation and sanctions? It wasn't — as you know better than anyone here — Sarah Ganim writing stories that turned out to be invented. It was her nailing shit down, and keeping at it over a course of weeks, months, a year. The rest of the country couldn't ignore it because people couldn't poke holes in her stories. Right now, this reminds me more of the Gary Webb stuff with the Mercury News in the 80s. He wasn't necessarily wrong that the CIA was funding drug dealers, he just didn't have the reporting to back it up. So he stretched it a bit with some sources that weren't credible enough to stand up to scrutiny. And after the initial high, every news organization saw holes in the piece and instead of following up on his reporting, they spent time picking it apart. Well, years later, it turned out that he was probably right, but it didn't matter. He was on to an important story, he just didn't have it yet. And as a result, whatever change he might have brought about was totally dismissed.

    Don't stretch the truth to go for an easy high (initial praise). Reform comes from stuff that holds up to scrutiny, over time.
  10. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    Amazing back-to-back posts. One thought out, makes good points. One a quick hit without any substance. SportsJournalists.com in two posts.

    DD, I simply can't argue with that. I understand your point and you're right. A faulty story can cause more problems than anything.
  11. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    Strong, strong piece by Allison Benedikt and Hana Rosin. They did more reporting, almost got Jackie to talk, but she got cold feet. None of Jackie's friends they talked to know the identity of Drew. Jackie didn't tell them. Also a good quote from the women who has been writing about frats for the Atlantic (and writing a book) who says what I've been saying frequently: multiple partner rapes where a woman is drugged DO happen. But in all her research she's never heard of one like this, a forceable surprise attack. And if it's bs, it will set reform back 30 years.

  12. PW2

    PW2 Member

    Re: Rolling Stone on rape at UVA

    It wouldn't surprise me if Jackie were severely mentally ill to either concoct or exaggerate a story like this, and take it as far as she's taken it. Erdely should have realized that. Maybe she did. I'm more than a little worried about Jackie.
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