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UVA and the alleged frat rape - Rolling Stone backpedals

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Big Circus, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    So, DD, you're basically agreeing with the point that Erdely was using campus rape as a vehicle for smearing rich, white frat bros? She'd have to be, the way you describe it. Anyone who feels passionate about the actual issue of rape on college campuses would never do what you suggest Erdely did. You'd also have to assume that "liberal bias" equals "bias against white people," which is Fox News, tinfoil hat nonsense.

    Sorry, but this can be laid squarely at the feet of Erdely and RS's shitty fact-checking standards.

    The Duke lacrosse case can be laid almost all at the feet of an overzealous, attention-whore prosecutor and a handful of gullible journalists.

    You know why no one has written that story? Because it doesn't exist. Rape in college fraternities is not a huge issue for black people, because by most accounts binge-drinking and/or plying women with alcohol and/or roofies is not a big issue for black people at colleges, and because black students are found to have, on average, less disposable income for parties and such than white people.

    And the number of women on any given campus is much higher than the number of black men.

    And, the number of white frat bros is much higher than the number of black frat bros.
  2. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    1) Rolling Stone is no more of a "left wing publication" than Money magazine is a "right wing publication." In its media kit, it bills itself as "the pulse of youth culture." It is trying to be bold and irreverent (like every magazine geared toward music, arts, culture, social issues, etc.), and to write with a point of view that it thinks defines its audience. It is not trying to be an overtly political magazine, though. It's editorial calendar is geared around things like, "Spring music" "fashion" "cars" "college life" "tech."

    2) Sarah Erdely may be a crappy journalist, but yeah, long-form writers "shop around" for subjects. They typically aren't advancing the "political agendas" you are obsessed with. They are trying to write interesting stories. Take Sarah Erdely out of it. If you are doing a feature story on a rape on a college campus, you are going to gravitate to the most salacious story about a gang rape you can find. It doesn't mean you are an operative of a political movement. It means you want to write a story that gets attention. In this case, the problem isn't that someone "victim shopped." It's that they did a shitty job of reporting and writing the story. You can "victim shop" and write a story that is 100 percent accurate. In this case, the reporting was miserably bad and inept -- by any magazine's standard -- and the fact-checking was even worse. Nothing was verified.

    3) The rest is you masturbating all over the thread again. Did she have a point of view? Sure. Rolling Stone has a point of view. Nearly EVERY magazine that does long-form journalism has a point of view. They have readers and they try to cater to what those readers want to read. It doesn't mean EVERYONE with a point of view has an "agenda" (oooooh, an "agenda!") and therefore prints stuff that isn't true.
  3. PW2

    PW2 Member

    This is flat-out incorrect. Rolling Stone is absolutely, proudly, a left-wing, political publication.
  4. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    It's perverse to chuckle at the thought that these frat bros must recover from accusations of being gang-rapists.

    If they squint just right they'll be able to understand the everyday stigma of " _______ while Black" in terms of shoot first, ask questions later.

    Doesn't make it right but life's a bitch when politicized assumptions are based on race and class, ain't it?
  5. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    So proud of it that the words "left-wing" and "political publication" aren't anywhere near their media kit.
  6. PW2

    PW2 Member

    Yeah, those frat bros in Charlottesville, Va., sure got what was coming to them for what happened half a continent away in Ferguson, Mo.! Hells, yeah!
  7. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    Cite, please.
  8. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    The RS piece had as its target "rape culture," which apparently comprises people with the veneer of propriety and respectability who engage in (or otherwise tolerate or are indifferent to) unspeakably evil acts. Such a piece is going to be most striking if its antagonists, for lack of a better word, can be pegged as members of some particular elite.

    Suppose you were interested in writing such an article. Further suppose that across your radar have come reports of the UVA gang rape and another gang rape at some HBC. You have time to pursue (in a professional and ethical manner) only one of these, and you need only one for your piece. Which one are you going to choose? It would be the height of foolishness to pass on the UVA one.

    That said, it seems kind of silly to be having a huge argument over a gang rape by a black fraternity that not only didn't happen, it wasn't even reported.
  9. PW2

    PW2 Member

  10. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Don't forget those ethical giants among the "Group of 88."
  11. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Are we talking about "frats" and rape culture or just rape culture? I'm not sure why this must be limited to frats to prove a point.

    Here are five African Americans charged just a few weeks ago with a gang rape a William Patterson University.

  12. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Not spending a day in the legal system or even having their names widely revealed must be hell for them.

    Meanwhile, in the past it was pretty widely accepted practice in this country to not only accuse, but CONVICT, black people of raping white women without the slightest bit of evidence, or even a victim recanting her story and admitting she made it all up.
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