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Va Tech Shooter sends "images, letter" to NBC

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Sxysprtswrtr, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Consequences? What are the consequences?
  2. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    From what I have read, most of these spree killers aren't psychotic (hearing voices and such) but are driven by rage and inadequacies and usually are misogynistic and homophobic and this is a way of going out and showing how tough they are.
  3. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    jgmac & jack--This is the story. Who, what, where, when......why. This is the why.

    It's horrible, terrifying, sickening....but it's the story. No one has to watch it. I can't imagine why or how any of the families can go anywhere near a TV right now...the gunshot audio, do you think they hear that and wonder if that's the shot that killed their child? Would there be any less intense analysis of the killer without his picture?
  4. IGotQuestions

    IGotQuestions Member

    I agree with you, JackS.

    The ONLY thing I've gleaned from NBC's release of the kid's stuff is possible evidence that he was raped, sexually assaulted by somebody (he mentions Debra LaFaves the teacher and John Mark Karrs (self-professed JonBenet killer).. One could already deduce that he had major mental problems.

    "This is the why."

    Dude, you're flat-out wrong. This offers no more of a why than what reporters have been speculating. He released a video to NBC? Oh, joy. I can just imagine - thank you Columbine killers - what he was going to rant about.
  5. JackS

    JackS Member

    If only it was as simple as you or I or a victim's family deciding not to watch it. That's not the problem. The problem is the next Cho watching it and getting off at the prospect of equal time.

    I think that overrides any need for answering the "why" of this story. You think that by your now knowing that this guy hated "rich" people and their attitude that you can prevent the next jagoff from doing this?

    I think not.
  6. KnuteRockne

    KnuteRockne Member

    Yes, it's always laudable when the government keeps things from the public.
  7. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Dude, I'd rather hear the killer's own words than the psuedo pop-psychology of every hired so-called 'expert' the networks can scrape up together to analyze a cloud of smoke.
  8. Captain_Kirk

    Captain_Kirk Well-Known Member

    Question, I respectfully disagree---I think this showed much more about the killer that we knew previously. And there was no longer a need to deduce or conjecture on who he was or why he did it.

    And um, Dude looks like a lady.....
  9. JackS

    JackS Member

    Well, at least I can agree about the last part. If I hear Clint Van Zandt one more friggin' time...
  10. KnuteRockne

    KnuteRockne Member

    Oh, Christ, come off it.

    So do doctors not have a "conscience" or a "soul" because they deal with bad things, too? Because they can take care of gunshot victims and not break down? Does that mean they don't have a soul?

    Because we don't blubber about stuff doesn't mean we don't feel.

    Spare the melodrama. Please.
  11. JackS

    JackS Member

    That doesn't even make sense in the context of this discussion.
  12. KnuteRockne

    KnuteRockne Member

    Yes. It does.

    I've seen doctors interviewed who dealt with all of this on Monday morning get idiotic questions like, "So how were you able to handle all of this without breaking down from emotion?"

    The short answer: It's what we do.

    News is what we do. Attributing a cold assessment of the facts to a "lack of conscience" is as idiotic as saying that the doctors working on Monday were somehow less than human because they were able to keep working.

    As a consumer of news, I'd have been PISSED if NBC had that tape and didn't air it in order to "protect" me.
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