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Va Tech Shooter sends "images, letter" to NBC

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Sxysprtswrtr, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    THAT'S it!

    I have been racking trying to place it.

    Dead ringer.

    Good grab.
  2. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Hey get a clue -- A lot of people died I find it very offensive that you are trying to make light of the situation by comparing a cold blooded killer to Napoleon Dynamite.

    Every post and discussion about this subject must be serious and have a grave tone that offers prayers and thoughts to all the victims and their families. The fact that you are trying to lighten the mood for just a minute is just despicable.

    If you keep it up, Fenian Bastard and his posse will label you a hate monger.....
  3. Big Buckin' agate_monkey

    Big Buckin' agate_monkey Active Member

  4. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    So while CNN is harping about NBC airing the video, they're simultaneously bursting with THIS JUST IN!, 'exclusive' video of Cho's dorm room. A closeup of the number of the suite--2121, ugh--and a shot of the inside of the room. It has walls and some chairs. Back to you, Wolf.
  5. KnuteRockne

    KnuteRockne Member

    Whoever said that with holding the tape would have given Cho "mystique" he didn't deserve was dead on.

    All of you who think that showing it will motivate "copy cats," I wonder if it's the opposite. That it'll expose him for being pathetic, not heroic.

    Maybe this makes me a bad person, but seeing this kid rant doesn't give me chills. Seeing Charles Manson rant gives me chills. It's almost like this kid was trying to fill a persona that he just wasn't up to - which is why I'm having trouble reconciling what he did with the person I see on that tape. He just doesn't seem capable. Because he doesn't scare me whatsoever.

    Oh - and I know this is harsh. But I'll proceed. Everyone saying that showing this upsets the families? Too bad, so sad. The interests of hundreds of millions of other viewers outweighs that when a decision like this has to be made. Sorry.

    Oh - and good call on the Nap. Dynamite comparison.
  6. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

  7. KnuteRockne

    KnuteRockne Member

    Yeah, I'm sure that was because of the video tape. Not because of him gunning down 32 people.
  8. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    Yeah. We'll never know now, though, huh?
  9. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    Of course, you have an agenda.

    PHOTOS add to the mystique.... because you learn nothing about the killer, except for the way they looked when they did the dead.

    The photo of Mark David Chapman getting the album signed by Lennon ADDED to his mystique.

    The photos of Gacy as a clown outside his Norwood Park home, and with Rosalynn Carter (who was also photo'd with Jim Jones) ADDED to the mystique.
  10. Big Buckin' agate_monkey

    Big Buckin' agate_monkey Active Member

    You can say that with 100 percent certainty? You know exactly what those people who are making threats now are thinking?
  11. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    As of 6:30, here's the ABC poll referred to earlier in the thread about whether or not the video should have aired as it did. I offer the usual disclaimers about internet polls. If even roughly accurate, however, it's fairly damning as to the quality of that decision.

    Before Seung-hui Cho killed 33 people, including himself, he sent a letter, videos and pictures to NBC. Networks have aired the video and pictures, and the grizzly killer's twisted intentions are appearing on the Web and in print.

    Should the media have aired the video from Seung-hui Cho?

    No. The media are glorifying Cho, and the video opens up the door to copycats. - 14,634

    Yes. It helps people understand how mentally disturbed Cho was. - 4,567

    I am not sure. I think there's a fine line and the media is skating along it. - 2,791

    Total Vote: 21,992

    Not a scientific survey.
  12. KnuteRockne

    KnuteRockne Member

    The public taking the anti-mainstream media stance???

    Knock me over with a feather!

    This proves everything!
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