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Va Tech Shooter sends "images, letter" to NBC

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Sxysprtswrtr, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. Just_An_SID

    Just_An_SID Well-Known Member

    That is what would have been so great about doing that. They would have taken the high ground on things yet still had the scoop. Since they wouldn't have shown any images, other media outlets would have been forced to say, "according to the NBC report" or something like that in every story they did (as opposed to just using the NBC logo onscreen).
  2. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    So who "encouraged" Cho?

    I just don't buy that there is a psychopath out there pulling daisy pedals ("I kill you; I kill you not; I kill you; I kill you not") who suddenly decides to take the kill route because he is "encouraged" by something like this.

    A psychopath pretty much knows the drill. I'm going to kill people, and I'm going to be killed. Period.

    Terrorists don't get "emboldeded" by the stupid shit we think emboldens them.

    Psychopaths don't get "encouraged" by the same.

    You are trying to apply logic to actions in which no logic exists.
  3. KnuteRockne

    KnuteRockne Member

    Not surprising you're in PR thinking that way.
  4. JackS

    JackS Member

    The phrase "Generation after generation, we martyrs like Eric and Dylan," appears in Cho's written manifesto.
  5. KnuteRockne

    KnuteRockne Member

    Blaming media coverage for this stuff is complete lunacy. Just typical "blame-the-messenger" mentality because it's easier than trying to examine the real root causes in society, mental illness, etc., etc.

    "The media, the media, the media!"

  6. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    Does anyone honestly think that there is someone sitting around contemplating a similar incident that would say, "You know, I was going to shoot all those people. But when I found out Cho's video didn't air, well, that just did it for me. I wonder what the return policy is on all these guns and bullets."

    No more or less will be doing this based on the airing of the video.
  7. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    (Posted this on the Journ board, but moving it here, sorry....)

    LITTLETON, Colorado - As they prepared to mark the anniversary of the Columbine school shooting eight years ago and a shooting at Virginia Tech earlier this week, many Littleton families are questioning a judge’s decision to seal information about the killers.

    But federal Judge Lewis Babcock’s decision earlier this month to seal for 20 years testimony from the parents of Harris and Klebold about the boys’ home lives has infuriated some survivors and victims’ relatives, who feel the information could help prevent future school rampages.

    “I don’t think you can stop every crazy person. But some of the things Babcock locked up show what these crazy kids did,” said Don Fleming, whose 16-year-old daughter, Kelly, was killed. “It’s no use to anybody if it is locked up.”

  8. KnuteRockne

    KnuteRockne Member

    BTW, does anyone know why Klebold and Harris are affectionately called "Reb" and "Vodka" on Internet tribute sites?
  9. BTExpress

    BTExpress Well-Known Member

    And without "Eric and Dylan" to guide him, we can assume Cho would be sitting in class today, harmless as a kitten?

    Yeah, right.

    This "manifesto" nonsense is just somebody deciding to do evil, then going back and trying to rationalize it. Badly.

    I seem to recall John Hinckley getting a lot of publicity.

    Where were the copycats? How come there have been no presidential assassination attempts in the past 26 years?

    Why did "Eric and Dylan" inspire but not Hinckley?
  10. We provide the people with the news.
    Sometimes, they don't like the news and, therefore, they don't like us.
    If you can't accept this, you;re in the wrong business.
  11. JackS

    JackS Member

    Look, you asked me who encouraged Cho. I pointed to a direct reference in his text. I'm not going to try to psychoanalyze him or get into an apples and oranges comparison from a much different era (there was no Hinckley multimedia manifesto). That is way too far off the topic of NBC's decision re: Cho.
  12. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Slate published one of Klebold's love letters not too long ago, in which he skirted around what he was planning to be part of.
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