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WANTED: Drinking Partners.

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jones, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    Yeah, yesterday I put in a ton of hours there, straight from the airport, and the afternoon is pretty dead. A real lull between, say, two and four; there was maybe four or five of us in the bar. I just decided that was time better spent napping today so that I could push hard till close.

    At my advanced age, it's all about keeping pace.
  2. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Jones, are you power drinking or easy drinking during this assignment?

    Power drinking usually involves Irish car bombs, Jaegermeister and Red Bull and other shots. Easy drinking is just what is sounds like, leisurely sipping a beer as time goes by.
  3. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    Inky, I'm probably going to easy-drink until I have partners. I've just had beer so far, and mostly with food. The speciality of this place is the jumbo martini... Two bucks extra, and they double the size of the glass. A few of those tonight, and the only powerful thing I'll be doing is power-vomiting.

    Tomorrow night will be pretty run-and-gun, too, I suspect.

    Also, Toronto will be all about the power drinking. Game ends at 10, say, and last call is two. That leaves four hours to put Ragu in the hospital. Belfast Car Bombs and Dr. Peppers, coming up.
  4. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    yeah, thanks for that. next you'll start reporting each trip to the urinal. ::)
  5. Maple Sugar

    Maple Sugar Member

    Are these lyrics from an Elton John song?
    If not, I fear for you (and "Joe").
  6. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    All right, kids. Headed back to the bar. Will hopefully post tonight after two o'clock. If not, I'm dead, joe's dead, and the best bar in America is now a morgue.

    Viva Elton John!

    And leo, the urinal is a double-wide trough. Nice and familiar, like.
  7. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    Back. Fucked. So much polka. Joe more fucked. Many nice people. Joe danced with an older woman named Jenny. A good time had by all.

    Nighty night. Need sleep. Might vomit.
  8. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    How about some lovely Spam and yogurt? Or maybe some anchovies and milk? Remember to sleep face down, Jonesy. Not only does it prevent you from going out like one of Spinal Tap's many drummers, it also gives Joe easier access. :D
  9. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    I'm pretty sure Joe's not that kind of guy. I hope he's sleeping in Jenny's room tonight. I'm sure he got her number. I think we ALL have her number, and I don't even think I have to repeat it here. But I'm sure somebody will.
  10. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    867-5309. Jenny's a helluva broad.
  11. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Damn. That took about 90 seconds. Good work, Doc. ;D
  12. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    Eh, I do what I can. Now I'm off to find a reason to post that giant Snakes on a Plane ad.
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