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WANTED: Drinking Partners.

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jones, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. Jones,

    No worries. Went knowing you would most likely be recharging. I like the place and haven't been in a while. Good call on the Falls and DQ. Hope you went down the trails at the bottom. Good view of the Falls goes back a long, long way.

    Don't have the Leinie Wheat beer on tap. Sucks. Home Depot doesn't sell cakes and B & N didn't have any Heinz in stock, so I went stupid. Not a great reach for me and no big deal. At the bar with your name on it.
  2. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    Man, do I feel bad, Blues. Come back tonight so I can at least get you drunk. But if not, thanks for stopping by, and 1,000 apologies for not being there.
  3. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    So Jones ... I presume you're interviewing folks about the bar, the drinks, the atmosphere, etc. etc. blah blah blah ...

    And exactly how will your story read when one of your questions is typed as:
    I weeent to ask yer opinieen on this herrree barrr, maaaam
  4. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    Yeah, sxy, my notebook is a little ragged, as is my memory of last night. Hopefully tonight will be clearer. If not, turns out the best bar in America will be El Paseo in Santa Fe. At least I can remember my time in that one.
  5. Again, no big deal. Knew you'd be recharging. I like the place and thought you should have some kind of lovely parting gift. Family duties call tonight. Remember, no wheat beer on tap.
  6. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    All right, Blues. If your plans change, I'm wearing a white, collared, short-sleeve shirt, 70s style; army shorts; and a pair of flip flops. Joe is wearing jeans and a green shirt. He has black hair and a mustache. I am super handsome.

    And with that, we're heading back over. Anyone want to join us, feel free.

    Clues: Polka, Grain Belt billboard, Cabbage Rolls, red neon, bowling shirts, Sweet Lou.

    Flying out at six tomorrow morning. This is not going to be good.
  7. If Jones got on the plane he should touch down soon. If, he got on the plane.

    In the event that the power of polka, Sweet Lou and Eastern European food and alcohol proved too much for him, I'd like to offer my services to transport the worldly remains back to Canadian soil. Instead of using my SUV, I have a friend who bought a white Jeep in Toronto a few years back when the exchange rate was more favorable to US currency that I could borrow. I think Jones would like that. Of course, I defer to the senior, plank - carrying membership to make all final arrangements.
  8. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    Home. Near death. Will update if I survive. Prayers appreciated.
  9. joe

    joe Active Member

    Home. Wish I was dead after 7 and a half hours on the road. The Cobra runs just fine at 85. My head hurts.
  10. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Sounds like fun, guys.

    I'm shocked you're alive, Joe. Shocked.
  11. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    Joe was an excellent drinking partner, although if you are handed the keys to Room 350 of the Courtyard by Marriott at the Depot in Minneapolis, turn them back in and run.

    We were also joined by amk and her friends on Friday night, and they were a plenty fun group.

    And thanks to Blues for the gift. Tremendously thoughtful, and I'm sorry again that I wasn't there to receive it in person. I could have made use of the double-decker outhouse today.

    All in all, it was an excellent weekend. I am hurting right now, seeing as I got back and, running on two hours sleep, hosted a World Cup party for a few dozen hombres and they've just now cleared out. Soon I will be in bed.

    I will taking the week off from imbibing in preparation for Friday. I'll need every hour to get back in fighting shape.

    No idea how I'm going to write this up yet. Where to begin?
  12. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    "I found Joe in a tent in Australia"
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