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We have to go back! (Lost 2009 season)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JakeandElwood, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. StormSurge

    StormSurge Active Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  2. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    My favorite scene from last night's episode was when Sawyer said "Come with us, Freckles" and Juliet responded by giving Kate the code to the pylons. Before she gave the code and after Sawyer spoke, the look she gave Sawyer (great credit to Elizabeth Mitchell here) was a turn of the head as if to say "Did you just call her "Freckles," asshole? Not "Kate," but "Freckles?" Well, how does THIS taste!"

    Just awesome, awesome work.

    I liked Doc Jensen's theory from his preview (haven't read his recap yet) that Chang will do what he can to preserve the timeline. But I'm not sure Chang would care as much as people who believe in the power of the Island. They would be dedicated to making sure the Island's will is done. So there's a lot of "This is what you are SUPPOSED to do," as people are beholden to their own knowledge of future events.

    How do we know that the notebook just keeps accumulating knowledge? It seems more like Eloise (and she's not alone) is someone who has knowledge of future events, and seeks to preserve the timeline. Resigned to the fact she will eventually murder her son, she does her duty of helping what MUST happen, happen, as one of the Island's Chosen People. She knew her son would have a journal, so she bought him one, leaving it blank because she must not influence changes to what must happen.

    Faraday decided he was going to try to change history, try to stop the loop. And the Island took his life. He was the latest "sacrifice the Island demanded."

    (I am liking how each of the freighter people had a personal connection to the Island. They were destined to choose to go. The Oceanics were not).

    Eloise was always in control, always knew what was next. But something happened that Eloise did not anticipate, and that was also alluded to by Faraday. Remember, she told Penny she did not know what was next. So while the Oceanic 6 were supposed to return, they had no business being in 1977. That threw four new variables (Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid) into what was. The question is, did the Island bring them back in an effort to change history? Or did the Island bring them back so they could help get their Dharmaized buddies back where they belong?

    Still thinking the "What Lies in the Shadow of the Statue?" people are the modern Dharma. Slaughtering a bunch of people on an Island didn't eliminate Ann Arbor. I hope they depict Dharma HQ soon.

    As for the Valenzetti Equation . . . I know it was tied into the blast door map. And it's a really interesting idea. But two potential problems:

    1. The Lost Experience and Valenzetti equation are not canon until it's mentioned on the TV show. Cuse and Lindelof are smart; they know not everyone did that whole online thing. And if they try to refer to it without a proper TV introduction, they'll lose a lot of people. I expect that if they do tie it in, they'll solve this problem very easily.

    2. Dharma, as funded by Hanso and led by the DeGroots, might have been out to improve life as we know it. But the people on the Island have been depicted as a bunch of paranoid pricks, possibly out more for their own glory and reward than for the good of humanity. Horace is a slimeball, Radzinsky is an absolute asshole, and Chang seems to like being king of the fiefdom, the resident genius.

    Greatest Show In The History Of Television Shows.
  3. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Good work, Piotr.

    But where is the notebook now (1977)?

    This has to change things, doesn't it?

    Wait, a young Ben is now in that camp.
  4. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    So what exactly are they drilling for in The Swan, and why? Did I miss something?
  5. NDub

    NDub Guest

    DI knows of the electromagnetic field down there and I believe it'll further (or maybe it's the key) to their mission. But not even Lostpedia has a true explanation.


    Great stuff, Piotr.
  6. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    In the teaser, it showed Jack with the notebook in his hand and saying they had to do what it said. Jack was also bloodied. So does that mean he gets beating courtesy of the hostiles or does that mean him and Kate come bounding out of the woods and spill the beans to Richard and Eloise. Telling them what is about to go down and get the book back that way as the Hostiles agree to help Jack and Kate.
    And I liked Jensen's theory about this season's cliffhanger -- who changed history? -- and what it means for Season 6.
  7. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    "You guys went to 1954? Like Fonzie times?"
  8. Lots of great posts ... I've been behind the 8-ball all week on this, but this is a very important point. Team Darlton wouldn't risk alienating fans.

    I like Doc's theory, I'd be quite happy if that is the direction of the show.
  9. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Presumably, if the equation ends up being important, they'll bring it up more and more in season 6.
  10. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Gotta admit . . . I thought Jensen's idea of Eloise seeking a happy ending through her son's repeated time machinations was a little off.

    Last night, after Eloise shot Faraday dead, I asked my wife if she saw that coming. "Kind of, yeah," was the answer. Why? "Because on this show, you just imagine the most screwed-up scenario that can happen, and assume the writers will go there."

    This is why I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop on Penny/Desmond and Sun/Jin. Can't imagine the show ending with everyone happy before the final note and the word "LOST" appears on the screen.

    Still . . . it would be interesting to see what would have happened had the plane landed OK in LA, the Swan is never built, etc.

    - Jack buries his father, never meets Kate, who is led away in handcuffs.
    - Sawyer . . . .not sure. He was being deported from Australia, right?
    - Sun had decided in the Australia airport not to leave Jin. They live happily ever after . . .on the run from her dad.
    - Why was Claire going to LA again? To give up her baby, right?
    - Locke goes back to his job, and the Island keeps trying to find ways to bring him there.
    - Etc.

    - Desmond crashes on the Island. Kelvin, working somewhere else besides the unbuilt Swan when The Purge happens, is long dead. Desmond lives alone, becomes the male Rousseau.

    - The others continue to live just fine, though unable to have children. Alpert is the only one left in 80 years. Or he tires of Ben's leadership sometime in the next decade and goes to seek out John Locke anyway.
  11. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Plot leaked for tonight's episode.

    Can't wait 12 more hours?

    Never mind, I can't find if this board has spoiler tags for text. So just go to spoilerslost.blogspot.com if you can't wait, like me :)
  12. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Rick - I'm tempted. I think I'll just read Doc's new column and call for my spoiler that way. He seems to have insight into the upcoming plots.


    I haven't read it yet but I'll try to get to it this afternoon and probably post about it.
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