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We have to go back! (Lost 2009 season)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JakeandElwood, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Jensen has a very interesting theory in that column.
    I like it and I like it a lot.
  2. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Anybody watch the Totally Lost video/interview with Cuse and Lindelof? Great stuff, especially part 4. If you've got about 20 minutes then I'd suggest watching it.

    Got two "cryptic" teasers for the finale...
    Cuse: "We're going to see something very tall."
    Lindelof: "This is episode is very... touching." "That's a play on words. You think that I mean it's going to be emotional. But I'm not talking about that kind of touching."

    I'd guess Cuse means the statue from LeFluer, probably the four-toed one. And Lindelof... touching means something with Jacob. I'm guessing he's a physical being and something about Locke "killing" him has to do with a physical touch.

    And I'm repeating my previous theory: The whispers are time-travelers. It goes with the Locke/Ben/Alpert seeing 2004 Locke and Sawyer seeing Kate delivering Claire's baby. I don't buy it as The Others b/c the whispers have happened when The Others aren't around.
  3. CentralIllinoisan

    CentralIllinoisan Active Member

    I stand by this: the touching thing has to do with time traveling. If you see the white rabbit video from Dharma, during which Miles' father is holding the white rabbit. The same rabbit appears, likely from nine minutes in the future (or past) as is said in the video.

    The doctor then says not to let them near each other, as I can only assume them touching would have catastrophic effects. Maybe Jacob is Locke from the future (or past) and they cannot touch.

  4. NDub

    NDub Guest

    I know exactly what video you're talking about and your theory is a great one.
  5. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    I like Doc's theories a lot. If the last one is true, I have to go back and try to remember what everyone's motivations were for getting on 815.
  6. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Jack went to Australia to pick up the body of his dead father and return it home to bury it.

    Kate went there because she was running from the law after her mother turned her in for the murder of her father.

    Sawyer, I believe, was living there as a con man and was searching for the man (Sawyer) who killed his mother.

    Sayid, I believe, was supposed to fly his dead buddy (who was a terrorist) back to Iraq on the day before 815 left but had to stay or chose to stay for an extra day.

    Umm....Rose and Bernard went to Australia because Bernard wanted to seek some metaphysical treatment or something for Rose's cancer.

    Claire was flying from Australia to LA to give up her baby for adoption.

    Locke was returning from a failed walk-about.

    I think Charlie's tried to reunite with his brother and reform the band. Didn't b/c bro was off the heroin and settled down with family.

    Michael/Walt were on there way back to NYC after M ichael went to pick-up Walt after Walt's mother died and her new husband (Brian???) elected to give Walt back to his real father.

    I don't remember Shannon/Boone, Paulo/Nikki, and Hurley.
  7. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Could've just linked this.

  8. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Clicking around on lostpedia is a bad idea.
    I could spends hours and hours there, anyway, while I was clicking around it said that in the original script of the pilot, Jack was the one to be killed by the Smoke Monster and not the plane's pilot (GRUNBERG!).
    That's kind of an interesting twist.
    But it also made me think. The smoke monster judges people, right? So what did the pilot (GRUNBERG!) do that was bad enough to kill him?
    I wonder if that somehow figures into Season 6. Does the Pilot (GRUNBERG!) have a backstory? I think he does and I think it will be an episode next season.
  9. RecentAZgrad

    RecentAZgrad Active Member

    Just happened to be flipping through the channels this afternoon, and came across a Season 1 episode on Sci Fi. As it's been said many times before in this thread, I can't wait to watch this whole thing all over again.
  10. NDub

    NDub Guest

    If you look at the Lostpedia page about 815, the lone question at the bottom that remains "unanswered" about the topic is "Why was Ben Lapidis removed as pilot a day before the flight and replaced by (whatever his name is)?"
  11. NDub

    NDub Guest

    I'm going to tell you all right now there is HOLY SHIT moment in the opening scene. That is all. I will hush.
  12. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    I'm officially glad there were no spoilers. That was *awesome*.

    Of course, gives us about 15 more questions than answers, but that's the game :)
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