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We have to go back! (Lost 2009 season)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JakeandElwood, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. NDub

    NDub Guest

    I believe that opening scene sets up why 815 crashed and got these specific people on The Island.
  2. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    I'm going with Locke being possessed by the guy who was on the beach with Jacob.
  3. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Show is fucking awesome.
  4. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Damn, all the Jacob sightings... my mind is officially blown.
  5. NDub

    NDub Guest

    And more sightings!!!
  6. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    So basically, by the end of this episode, everything we know about the show will be moot and we'll have 10000 more questions. I love it! :)
  7. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    WTF is in the box, I wonder?

    This is so fucking good I have to keep reminding myself to blink.
  8. NDub

    NDub Guest

    I hear ya. This is freakin' awesome.
  9. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Greatest show in the history of my life.
  10. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    So, Jacob = some kinda weird-ass, spiritual cosmic Forrest Gump? I chuckled at "but his Korean is very good."

    And I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Ben. John is just plain tormenting him, now.
  11. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    I have so much catching up to do.
  12. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Okay, now I want Juliet to die. Real bad.
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