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We have to go back! (Lost 2009 season)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JakeandElwood, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Jacob to Ben as the latter looks at the afghan or rug with all of the heiros on it.
    "You like it? I did it myself. It takes a very long time when you're making the thread. But I suppose that's the point, isn't it?"

    There's some sort of meaning or symbolism to that afghan or rug or whatever Jacob was knitting at the very beginning and the completed version of it that Ben examined before killing Jacob.

    Jacob to Ben before Ben opens up then stabs him:
    "Whatever he's told you, I want you to understand one thing. You have a choice. "

    KYSportsWriter - You can watch all episodes online in HD at ABC.com.
  2. Orange Hat Bobcat

    Orange Hat Bobcat Active Member

    Though not as revelatory as the dialogue from the first scene of the episode, the morning discussion on the beach between Jacob and Satan (over fish, no less, how much more overt could the symbolism be?), here is the dialogue from the penultimate scene between Jacob, Locke/Satan and Ben. Some more good stuff.

    Jacob: You like it? I did it myself. Takes a very long time when you're making the thread but, uh, I suppose that's the point, isn't it?

    Locke: Hello, Jacob.

    Jacob: Well, you found your loophole.

    Locke: Indeed, I did. And you have no idea what I've gone through to be here.

    Ben: Have you met before?

    Locke: In a manner of speaking. [Turns to Ben] Do what I asked you, Ben.

    Jacob: Benjamin, whatever he's told you, I want you to understand one thing: You have a choice.

    Ben: What choice?

    Jacob: You can do what he asks. Or you can go. Leave us to discuss our issues.

    Ben: Oh. So, now after all this time, you've decided to stop ignoring me. Thirty-five years, I've lived on this island, and all I ever heard was your name, over and over. Richard would bring me your instructions, all those slips of paper, all those lists. And I never questioned anything. I did as I was told. But when I dared to ask to see you myself, I was told, 'You have to wait. You have to be patient.' But when he asked to see you, he gets marched straight up here as if he was Moses. So, why him? Hm? What was it that was so wrong with me? What about me?

    Jacob: What about you?

    Ben: Well. [Stabs Jacob two times in the heart]

    Jacob: Coming.

    Locke: What? I can't hear you.

    Jacob: They're coming.

    I suppose now we all need to watch the first five seasons again and read all the passages from The Bible that deal with God and Satan. There are plenty. What else are we going to do for the next seven or eight months?

    Also, and this is little more than a footnote with all the other big reveals during this episode, but I loved the ties to the first couple of episodes. Jack in his first surgery as a resident where he rips open the dural sac and the girl's nerves come tumbling out "like angel hair pasta." Jack talking with Kate about the first time she stitched him up in the jungle with "standard black" thread. Juliet knocking the bomb eight times with the rock, just as Charlie (or was it Jack?) knocked the cockpit door eight times when the three of them returned to the plane to look for the pilot, the door opened and the co-pilot came tumbling out. Nothing big, really, just little treats for the folks who have been watching all along and paying some modicum of attention.
  3. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Here's a stray thought: Just what is Lapidus a possible candidate for? Just to be one of the group, or something... bigger?

    And, let me second (third?) the suggestion to forgo Blockbuster and get thee to the library if you want to catch earlier seasons. Why pay BB all that dough, when you can do it for free - and, if your library is like mine, you get to keep the DVDs for a week. Gives you plenty of time to watch, digest.
  4. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Loved that part. I had a feeling it was that surgery when he said he accidentally cut her dural sack. I shot right back to that scene in the pilot with Kate stiching up Jack's wound from the crash. And then Jack's count to five to let all the fear in before he'd shut it out. Wow. Also, did anyone notice the candy bar Jack was trying to get out of the machine? Pollo - the same one's the 815 survivors found with all the Dharma food.

    An incarnation of Jacob ala Locke was an incarnation of Other Guy?
  5. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Playing the role of CUinthenewsroom tonight will be me, the other dude on the beach
    and here's Doc...
  6. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    And since the very beginning, we've been given hints, such as in the pilot, when Locke taught Walt the rules of backgammon. ''Two players. Two sides. One is light, one is dark.''

  7. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    Further proof Damon and Carlton know what they are doing. Either that or they went back and watched the first few episodes before they wrote this year's finale.

    I thought the "Locke isn't Locke" twist was brilliant. There were a few other good ones too, like the car stunt that killed Sayid's girlfriend (damn, was that realistic!), Sayid getting shot and Juliet falling down the hole.

    At the end I'm going "oh Juliet, don't hit the bomb" and sure enough, she did.

    Is it January yet?
  8. Thank you sir. Sadly, I had to wait until this morning to watch and I just finished.

    It was pretty brilliant.

    For the record, I don't think Jacob is good or Cain is evil or vice versa. In fact, I think Lost is setting up the whole Black v. White, Good v. Evil to blow that idea out of the water. If we have learned anything from 5 seasons and so many flawed characters, it is never black and white, there are tons of shades of gray.
  9. Couple things:

    1. I have never understood those there were not curious about the foot. I mean, it's a remote island with a huge freaking foot on it. Yeah, that seems normal. And it is very nice to know that it turned out to be important.

    2. How was that not a cliffhanger? Did I miss something? The bomb (seemingly) detonated and the screen faded to white. I think that is pretty much the definition of a cliffhanger. Season 6 could potential be 100% different from everything we have ever know. The only difference between this finale and the season 3 finale is that one let us in on the secret before leaving us hanging. Tonight didn't really wrap anything up, it just left me with more questions.

    To each their own I guess.
  10. The University of Michigan, correct?
  11. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    How is that not a cliffhanger? The shot cut out the moment we were about to have the information revealed that would solve the major question of the season: Can time be changed?

    The first episode of next season should solve it.

    If the H-bomb was always part of the incident, as Miles pointed out, then nothing was changed. I'm guessing part of the Incident was to send the Losties back to 2007 where they belong and we move on into the future, the perpetual time loop having repeated itself. (This is what I think will happen).

    If the H-bomb was a change in the incident, then we'll find out that things have been changed in the future.

    It was intentionally ambiguous.
  12. jps

    jps Active Member

    ky, we've got them through season 4 at our place. we just recently got season 4 -- it's still a 3-day rental.
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