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We have to go back! (Lost 2009 season)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JakeandElwood, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. CentralIllinoisan

    CentralIllinoisan Active Member

    I agree with Doc: Juliet's choice was VERY important, and Jacob not visiting her was very key; he doesn't realize the role she is to play in the detonating of the bomb.

    Jacob's presence in the flashbacks, I think, is not to bring good, but to save himself in the future.

    Did it work? I don't think so.
  2. I Digress

    I Digress Guest

    Maybe. If the bomb reset everything, then the 'other' god or whatever can't masquerade as Locke because Locke doesn't come to the island. Or maybe Jacob knew what the 'other' was doing and wanted to make sure the bomb reset stuff because he wants the plane crash folk to have another go around at the game if they really are locked in a time loop.
    There was a Juliet flashback. Jacob didn't appear in that? I forget. Maybe he didn't need to touch her because she was on the island. Don't forget, Richard wooed Juliet to the island.
  3. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I guess one of the things that frustrates me is that I'm certain the first few episodes will be backstory before revealing the after-effects of the blast. Lost has always worked that way. Probably focusing on Jacob and anti-Jacob, maybe throw in some Faraday, Claire and Widmore stuff, maybe even the retired couple, as well. And the reveal will come at the end of an episode that will seem like a flashback, then we will see the reveal that it wasn't a flashback at the end. Twenty-two hours left, at the same time it seems like too much time and not enough time to wrap everything up.
  4. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    I think there's only 17 hours left.

    And actually, when you count in commercial breaks, there's a little less than 12 hours of screen time left.
  5. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    The Hanso Foundation "funds all this shit." Dharma HQ is in Ann Arbor. My wife noted that it would be a funny twist if Widmore was Hanso during his many off-Island excursions before he was banished.

    After Season One, I said: "OK, now they go down the hatch, and I guess the boat dudes were Others?"

    After Season Two, I said, "OK, Penny's on her way, the leaders are captured, Hurley will bring help . . . is Locke/Desmond/Eko dead?

    After Season Three, I said, "OK, now we'll see them get off the island, and then have to come back."

    After Season Four, I said, "OK, the island is moved. What does that mean? Locke is dead. What the heck? We'll find out soon enough."

    After last night . . . . I have no idea what happens next. I had hoped Jack would drop the bomb down the shaft, then white light, then the next shot is Oceanic 815 landing at LAX. But no, we get no hints, no clues. Just a hell of a lot of anticipation.

    Of all the theories so far, I like Batman's the best. A couple of thoughts:

    - Kind of figured the "What Lies in the Shadow of the Statue?" crowd were religious fanatics. Still, would have liked them to be modern Dharma. Would still like to know what happened in Ann Arbor after the Purge.
    - Jacob and Evil Dude (Esau, perhaps?) are in a War of the Gods. Two nigh-immortal beings, living in a paradise, albeit a quirky one. Jacob keeps bringing people to the Island because he believes in the inherent goodness of humanity, and thinks having outsiders come to the Island with increasingly modern ideas can only represent "progress." Which to him, is learning about what people are doing on the mainland. He is fascinated by "normal" people and their potential for good.
    - Evil Dude (Yeah, I'll call him Esau) doesn't believe in humanity. He wants paradise to remain undisturbed. It frustrates him to no end that Jacob keeps bringing people there. And by the time of the Black Rock's arrival, they've been playing this game for centuries, and his frustration is boiling over.
    - Jacob knew the whole war would come to a head when he finished the tapestry. And I agree, he left clues on it for his followers to use. Like Faraday leaving his journal with the bomb instructions.
    - "They're coming" referred to Jacob's followers approaching the room with blood on their minds, looking to get some answers as to who this new John Locke is.
    - I think NDub is right: Lapidus is a candidate to be a vessel for Jacob.
    - I'm wondering who will be on Evil Dude's (Esau) side. What kind of army would he have? What kind of army would he need?
    - Liked the depiction of Jacob as an ethereal figure who visited everyone at pivotal moments in their lives to help, give advice, tell them to buck up and get through their challenges. I'm not sure if he was doing it as a time traveler, or in real time because he knew their destinies would bring them back to the Island. Or perhaps he was building a network of followers. (Loved seeing young Jack's disaster surgery depicted).
    - I wondered if they had cut Jacob's visit from Juliet's flashback, or if they meant to be clear that he had not visited her at what was a pivotal moment.
    - His visit to Sayid was different. Sayid was with Nadia, perfectly happy to leave the Island behind. And her death was what got him involved again, via Ben Linus recruiting him to be an assassin.
    - Really liked how Ben was loyal to the Island the whole time, and finally couldn't handle anymore that he never met Jacob. Ben was never meant to be the special leader of the Others . . . and I'm not sure Widmore was either. They were all placeholders for John Locke, whose fatal flaws (dependence on a father figure, lack of belief in himself) meant that he took a lot of time getting to the Island. And then he committed the fatal mistake of trusting Ben Linus, because he sought both counsel and reassurance from this king of lies.
    - A thousand things could happen now in the wake of the blast. But I will say that I don't think the bomb caused the Incident, because the bomb went off after all hell had already broken loose. The Swan video said that following the Incident, they had to cap the electromagnetic energy by pressing the button. So the Incident was really the drill going too deep, and the whole mechanism collapsing into the well. Radzinsky's actions, and Chang being unable to prevent them, caused the Incident as it happened in the original timeline.

    Now to read Doc Jensen.

    EDIT: I like "The Adversary" as a title for Evil Dude.
    - Jack was lying to Sawyer about his Kate-related motivation. Sure, he cares about Kate, but I think he was just telling Sawyer his motivation in ways Sawyer could understand, since "It's destiny" wasn't going to work.
  6. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    I think it's pretty much a given that we've seen the last of Bernard and Rose. Their story is done. Claire, however - well, Darlton did say quite unequivocally that Emilie de Ravin would be back for season six and Claire would figure quite prominently.
  7. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    We still don't know who "Adam and Eve" were. My guess is that we find out next season and it's Bernard and Rose.
  8. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Gotta be them. Except since everyone seems to think that, it wouldn't surprise me if they switched it up.
  9. perhaps this question has already been posed, but what about christian? can we assume mr. satan man took his form, too?
  10. BRoth

    BRoth Member

    Maybe it was me, but did anyone else get a creepy vibe from Rose when the Losties were leaving the mini-camp her and Bernard set up? She gave what looked to me a mean look and there was some creepy music played underneath as they were parting ways.

    I assumed it was nothing, but did anyone else catch that?
  11. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    I think Rose just looks down her nose at the Losties and their drama, plus they did just tell her the island might about to blow up because of it.

    I'm rewatching now, and highly recommend it. There's a lot more to pick up on once you know the deal with Locke.
  12. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    I noticed that they really made Ben look shorter the last couple of episodes
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