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We have to go back! (Lost 2009 season)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JakeandElwood, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. In the episode during season I when the castaways first discover the "Adam & Eve" skeletons, Jack states "it would take 40 or 50 years" for the clothes they were wearing to fully disintegrate. If the skeletal remains are supposed to be Rose & Bernard, only 27 years (1977-2004) has elapsed.

    Obviously, the writers/producers could brush this small inconsistency aside. But I thought it should be noted.
  2. Rereading the "dead is dead" line, I have to wonder if Ben was faking the whole time. He must have known that Locke wasn't really Locke. Or maybe he is just as confused as the rest of us.
  3. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    He could always have been faking, but Ben's surprise at seeing Locke back "alive" certainly seemed genuine. Maybe that's what Esau needed -- to show Ben something he didn't think possible, so he'd actually think "Locke" was special and do his bidding.
  4. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Who is "Esau"? I thought we were calling the not-Jacob guy in the beginning "Cain". Though Jacob and Esau go together.
  5. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    So far I've heard him called Esau, Jacob's Enemy, Black Shirt Guy, not-Jacob and Samuel (the name on the casting call for the character, though the names they put on there never end up being the actual names).
  6. Esau makes the most sense to me because he was Jacob's brother and they were big rivals.
  7. Exactly. When Richard pulls the bullet out of Locke's leg, that is the first time Locke hears he has to die. That is immediately after Esau tells Richard to tell Locke he has to die.
    Then Christian confirms it.
    Until that point, chronologically, there was no indication that Locke would die.
  8. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Did Christian confirm it?


    So maybe he's not a "Christian Shepherd."

    I really dislike the idea of the apparitions all being the smoke monster . . . . .

    Thinking about the Locke/Richard relationship . . . In 2004, Richard tells Locke that some of the Others may want a change. Which leads to Locke becoming the leader. After Walt helps him out of the mass grave.

    But Locke told Richard in 1954 that he would be leader. In 1977, Jack tells Richard not to give up on Locke.

    Was Jacob healing Locke? Was the Adversary? And what of Jacob's list from the end of season two? He wanted Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley brought to the Others.

    Who said "help me" in the cabin? Who told Locke to "move the island"? Ben took Locke to the cabin, but Jacob lives in the foot of the statue. Ben has no idea where Jacob is; he only knows this cabin. Which could have been revealed to Ben as part of Esau's manipulation of him.

    So, does this mean the cabin was the Adversary's (Esau, if you will) prison on the island? The ash surrounded the cabin, and served as a barrier to his escape. The break in the ash when the Ajira Religious Freaks showed up indicated a prison break. They had Locke's body to show to Richard as proof that John Locke was dead, because they knew he would have returned to the Others. They checked the cabin first to make sure the Adversary was still safely locked away. He was not. Hopefully there will be an explanation as to how he escaped.

    (I forget if it was Jensen or someone on this thread who I stole most of that last paragraph from).

    The wife notes that perhaps the nuclear explosion assisted in breaking the "cosmic stalemate" Jacob and Esau were trapped in.

    I wonder how Esau was trapped in the cabin, since it was Bernard and Rose's. Had they inadvertently built on sacred ground, as Dharma had?

    This is why I could give two shits about who Kate sleeps with. So many great layers to this show.
  9. JakeandElwood

    JakeandElwood Well-Known Member

    Christian did confirm it. When Locke's leg was hurt and he was in the chamber he said something to the effect of "Richard said I have to die" and Christian replied with "That's why they call it sacrifice, John."
  10. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    I wonder what Lapidis' role is in all of this.

    When they showed him Locke's body on the beach, he didn't really act surprised and he said something like: Well, why'd you have to go and do that? Or something like that.

    Anyway, it's almost like he already knew EsauLocke wasn't really Locke or something.
  11. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Lapidus had his suspicions that Locke was not as he seemed . . . but I thought his reaction was "aw, hell." As in, "great. what next?"

    Thinking about it now, it's sad how Locke's arc ended. He never truly got over his need to have (and please) a father figure. He was a pawn, used by Ben, and likely Jacob and Esau.
  12. JakeandElwood

    JakeandElwood Well-Known Member

    Unless he gets another chance from the nuke ...
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