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What's the biggest misconception people you know have about sports journalism?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Norman Stansfield, Sep 3, 2006.

  1. BB Bobcat

    BB Bobcat Active Member

    Getting to this thread late, but wanted to comment on a few of the other thoughts.

    Mostly I don't like discussing what I do with total strangers, because they don't seem to get it at all. They think it's just a party and I'm getting paid to see and watch the game and eat hot dogs. On the other hand, I think it is cool that they think it is cool. A little while ago my brother (a software salesman) and I were back in our hometown, and about a half dozen of my parents friends said "Which one of you is the sports writer?" No one said "which one is the software salesman?" I got a kick out of that.
  2. MC Sports Guy

    MC Sports Guy Member

    I couldn't agree more. I love this job, even if the pay and the hours pretty much suck. I always have fun. If you can't have fun doing this job, they you can't have fun.
  3. boots

    boots New Member

    The fun went out when the bills came in.
  4. Chad Conant

    Chad Conant Member

    I have buddies who when I told them of a move in the profession that will have me covering, among other things, the pros in Cleveland, asked if I could get them a pass and bring them with me.

    Umm...no dude.
  5. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    When a parent calls and says "why do you always cover (fill in school) and never cover us?"

    I guess they've never seen the paper BEFORE their kid was born or realize that there's 40 other schools in the coverage area so perhaps their school doesn't get on the front page or the main headline every game?

    Perhaps this is a rant about ignorant readers/parents but still, they see one issue of the paper and make a generalization about the biz.
  6. Rockbottom

    Rockbottom Well-Known Member

    People? Heck, how about Mrs. Rockbottom? She of the "do you really have to pull another 60-hour week doing your SE job along with working the desk Friday AND Saturday nights!?!?!?"

    Me: "Um, yeah. That's why I get paid. You like this house, right?"

    But seriously, I have read this thread with interest, as it seems like I have heard every misinformed/silly thing people say to you.

    But in the end, I go to ballgames and talk to high-achievement people who strive for greatness in what they do for a living. What was it Byron "Whizzer" White said? That he read the sports section first every day, because it was filled with good (well, mostly good) people achieving good things.

    I could dig ditches, lay roof, be a cubicle drone or any number of mindless, soulless jobs that surround us every day. But I don't. I work with folks who create (sometimes) beautiful words, (often) beautiful art in the form of pages/graphics/illustrations, and offer a public service of sorts to thousands of people looking for an escape from their soulless jobs.

    My job sucks? Hell yes. I'll take it, though.

  7. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    This one and the myth that we actually make good money doing this.
  8. Satchel Pooch

    Satchel Pooch Member

    I didn't read all five pages of this thread yet, but if it hasn't been mentioned, let me say this was the Kevin Kouzmanoff of SportsJournalists.com posts. So true.
  9. boots

    boots New Member

    When I began my career, I felt privileged to be a journalist. But prestige doesn't mean shit when you go to Wal-Mart and can't afford to by bare necessities.
  10. lono

    lono Active Member

    Coach Twoface seems like a great guy. Bet he's cool to work with.
    He's an evil meglomaniac who'd whore out his 16-year-old daughter to the Hell's Angels for two more wins this season and he hasn't an sincere word come out of his mouth in 20 years.

    What's Star Powerforward really like away from the game?
    He likes to get wasted and fuck blonde girls. The nastier, the better.

    Must be cool to hang out with all those pro athletes!
    Yeah, the guys who wash their cars get more in tip money than I make in a week.

    It must be fun to travel.
    Ever stayed in a motel where there are crack vials and condoms in the parking lot? Flown much lately?

    Your friends and family must be proud.
    No, they just want me to settle arcane bets about sports I've never covered.
  11. BH33

    BH33 Member

    1. That I make a lot of money.

    2. Because I cover sports, I certainly must be writing about the NFL, MLB, Olympics or whatever else is going on.

    3. (From news people) That we're the toy department, and because we cover sports and don't cover "hard, breaking news" we must not work hard. I'm sure a lot of other people experience this, but in most places I've been the sports department gets screwed a lot. One paper I was at (this was in the last 90s when e-mail wasn't as widespread as it is now), there were 10 news reporters and each one had their own desk and own e-mail address. There were 3 of us in the sports department, and we had ONE desk. The sports editor had his own e-mail address, but me and the other guy had to share the general sports e-mail. And, if we came into the office during the day, there probably wasn't a place for us to sit and work because news copy editors were there. After more than a year of fighting, we finally got a second desk. We never got our own e-mail addresses.

    - And, the main thing I HATE is when I tell people that I cover high school sports and their response is: "Hey, everybody has to start somewhere."

    But, even with all that, I wouldn't trade this job. I'd rather get paid less money to cover sports than get a bigger paycheck by selling insurance or sitting in an office 9-5.
  12. BarbersGmen

    BarbersGmen Member

    Screw that, it's totally true in my town when the minor league baseball team is in town.
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