This is a total cop-out, but it just depends on the person. I was a columnist, which I loved in certain ways, but I didn't love it because it could inhibited my ability to do long-form. (Because column writing by nature forces you to piss key people off at times and alienate sources you might need cooperation from on project stuff.) My dream job was to be a columnist and long-form writer whose columns my sources on the beat never read.
Why be nervous? If you get offered the SE job, take it, then if the content job comes along, then take it and give two weeks notice to the paper if you've already started working there. This industry has proven time and time again that you have to look out for yourself first.
When I started I wanted to be a pro beat writer. Now, I want to be a prep writer at the biggest paper in the state until i retire. Until that happens, I'm OK with being good at what I do and working for an awful publisher and a worse company.
I wanted to be a publisher. Then the head man of a newsroom. Now, I want to be a writer; a magazine writer specializing in state history.
And yet has one of the country's most popular podcasts, founded Grantland, produced the excellent 30-for-30 series—and now is about to do that again—and wrote a New York Times No. 1 bestseller. Some guys get all the luck, eh?
And yet Simmons writes better than 97 percent* of the people who slag on him here. Discuss. *Confirmed.
It's pretty hard to grasp why people still think the world's most popular sports writer is self-indulgent. Indulgent, sure. But he's indulging his readers. Anyway, dream job? I would like to be a line editor at one of the 10-or-so places left that cares about line editing. Real, hands-on line editing.